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Everything posted by Dirtyredz

  1. LogLevels This mod is designed for Modders and Server owners. LogLevels gives modders the ability to set levels for there print functions Aswell as allowing server owners to clean up there consoles, making it easier to read. Weve been using this mod for several months now on the Rusty Servers, and im starting to see modders implement there own versions of log levels inside thier own scripts. However these methods are not very clean, and easily used accross multiple mods/files That is why I have decided to release this mod to the public. As you can see LogLevels has many features. Let me show you how you can start useing LogLevels in your mod or server today! SETUP There are two ways of using LogLevels, Basic and Advanced. Basic Usage: Open any file you wish to silent output from, say a mod you have installed. once open, drag and drop these couple of lines at the top of the file: --LogLevels - Dirtyredz|David McClain package.path = package.path .. ";mods/LogLevels/scripts/lib/?.lua" require("PrintLog") This will give Every print function in the file a standard level of INFO. Then from console or ingame, set the consolelevel with the command: /consolelevel warning as WARN is lower then INFO, anything in that file is now silenced in the console, but still being printed to the server log. Advanced Usage: Open any file you wish to silent output from, say a mod you have installed. once open, drag and drop these couple of lines at the top of the file: --LogLevels - Dirtyredz|David McClain package.path = package.path .. ";mods/LogLevels/scripts/lib/?.lua" require("PrintLog") local logLevels = require("LogLevels") This will give Every print function in the file a standard level of INFO, and give you access to the loglevels table. Now its time to specify what level you want each print function to be at, hers an example: function initialize() print('MOD initialize', logLevels.trace) local X = 10 if X >= 10 then print('All good, no problems here.', logLevels.debug) else --Loglevel supports standard print arguments print('Weve got an issue, X is:',X, logLevels.warning) end end Thats it, now we set the level we wish to display Then from console or ingame, set the consolelevel with the command: /consolelevel trace Will display every print in the example above while: /consolelevel warning will only display prints with warning and below. Thats it, your now using LogLevels giving you a clean and easy to read console. DEFAULTS Here are the default LogLevels (can be configured to what you want) off fatal error warning info debug trace all Downloads LogLevels v1.1.0 Changelog 1.1.0 -Inserting Level type infront of message instead on concatenate, fixs erros when printing nil variables. -introduced new command /consolelevel, now when wanting to adjust whats shown on the console, use /consolelevel /loglevel will now restrict whats printed to the log in the case the console message is not printed ie: /consolelevel warning /loglevel debug the console will only show console messages warning,error,fatel and the serverLog will show debug,info,warning,error,fatel note: setting the /loglvel lower then /consolelevel, will have no effect since all console messages are automatically sent to the server log (this cannot be changed) 1.0.1 -Moved files to a new directory, in preperation for steam support of mods. GITHUB https://github.com/dirtyredz/LogLevels DONATE Wanna show your appreciation? http://dirtyredz.com/donate Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/Dirtyredz MY OTHER MODS
  2. Releasing Version 1.2.2 fixed Player data retrieval script, was not getting all players fixed Alliance data retrieval script, was not getting all alliances added 3 options to the install script, StopWait,SaveWait, and StopDelay, that was previously missed in last update player,alliance, and group scripts now use variables passed by the manager script **update_manager now uses the same script for editing configs via web interface, the script will re add any missing comments and any missing options to the configs Restart command now displays a message between stopping and Starting removed password lockout on server config editor. (until I settup password protection on installation) Added DeletePlayer button in console.(server needs to be offline) Added -v option to start-web script, will output more information when failing to start webserver Fixed bug when using the -d and -b options "DynamichEcho not found" **Note: when you update to this version, youll still be using the old Update_manager script, the updated script wont take effect until the next update for you. MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW BOTH manager-config.ini and PHPConfig.ini, and remove any leading + symbols, this patch fixs this issue, so future updates will no longer make your configs look like shit. Im expecting another DSM within a few days, as Avorion has announced an upcoming patch to the game, which will include RCON interface. Using RCON I can have a more reliable commands interaction with the console, Accurate number of online players on the home screen, less dependancy on a specific apache module. Avorion hasnt released anything more as to whats in the update, as soon as it comes out I will be working on it. So I can push another DSM update ASAP.
  3. Meant to post this earlier sry: -- create station --[[local desc = StationDescriptor() desc.factionIndex = asteroid.factionIndex desc:setPlan(plan) desc.position = asteroid.position desc:addScript("data/scripts/entity/crewboard.lua") desc.name = ship.name ship.name = "" local station = Sector():createEntity(desc)]] local station = Sector():createStation(Faction(asteroid.factionIndex), plan, asteroid.position, "data/scripts/entity/crewboard.lua") if you cant tell every is commented out except for the last line.
  4. At minimum you only need PvP tmux and the libraries. I don't use mysql and apache is not needed when using the php-server
  5. Why not just add cargo to the mine/station instead of randomly creating plans?
  6. I have instructions for Centos. https://github.com/dirtyredz/Dirty-Server-Manager/blob/master/Centos_Intstructions.md However, Ive been identifiy alot of issues with avorion and centos, excluding my manager. so I will suggest using another OS such as Ubunutu or Debian My manager does work with centis except for the apache installer, youll have to use the PHP web-server
  7. You know you guys can take the IP address of any server and add it to the "Join via IP" list right? Edit: My mistake, i didnt completly read op's post
  8. UPDATE: 1.2.1 Fix editing server.ini with web interface, from breaking your server.ini Editing any config through the web interface will now create a copy of the config for backup Added complete Params to log and echo when starting server with -v Fixed bug in stop command that was not updating the status banner Added a message to profile parser page, notifing when the server has profiling disabled Added StopWait,SaveWait, and StopDelay to stop command and manager-config.ini Using the web interface will now add double qoutes around any string containing special charectors. Fixed manager logger to display the files its exectuing and not repeating the command that was run. 1.2.0 Moves Apache installer to avorion-manager/manager separated commands from manager and added to avorion-manager/manager updated todo link on about page to direct to github issues fixed grep error when running status command with an offline server. send command now checks if a `/command` was sent ie `/say` or `/stop` Added Parser scripts to manager commands Added parser verbose output when manually running scripts Added verbose output for start command, will display additional info if server cant start, and more Added (help) `-h` optional parameter, will display name/description of function Added optional parameter `-f` to force specific features, like running update with -f will ignore current version checks, and reinstall Added custom names for status banners, in PHPConfig.ini Moved Banner Generator script to its own script, removed netstat dependency(will now use last reported /players from console). Updated install script, to install all options and comments properly Added Timed Broadcast's Options/script Added Message Of The Day options Added Sorting Option to PHPConfig.ini for players list on home screen Added send mail to all members of a group, select the group from the drop down and hit send Migrated Admins.xml parser into its own function Refined Restart command to attempt restart 10 times, aswell as other improvments in the script Added new option GalaxyDirectory, allowing you to set the location of your galaxies directory. Fixed bug where redirects would send you to wrong address Added Inputs on console page to delete a sector from the galaxies/sectors/ directory Extended input on console to show last 100 lines of manager and status log when toggled Added Start/Stop/Status buttons on console page, commands sent to the manager not the console. Added Backup command: backup_galaxy, which will backup the entire galaxy directory. The command will only keep 10 backups. Fixed a bug causing the php-server to crash if there was no playerchatlog available. Fixed php-server saying it wasn't starting. forced update command to perform the update twice in succession, to catch any thing missed during first update. Removed Sudo command prefix from apacheInstall script for VM users.
  9. Love the game, Looking forward to future imporvments to the engine, and the games modding api.
  10. Yeah version 1.2 I put a small check on the install script to make sure theres no space in the galaxy name.
  11. Plus one on this, also admins.xml should have customizable color options for groups. ie Admins names are red in chat and Moderators names are purple etc
  12. Not much you can do about exsisting turrets, However for turrets created after making modification you can edit this file: /data/scripts/lib/turretgenerator.lua youll want to edit function" function TurretGenerator.generate(x, y, offset_in, rarity_in, type_in, material_in) -- server
  13. V1.2 will also allow for adding your own scripts into the manger. I'm nearly finished with this version. Just finishing of a few more feature requests.
  14. The client also needs the files of this mod in order to interact. Remember any mod that has "interaction or ui" then a client side install is required.
  15. API access to in/out of alliance vault would be great. I could mod a simple logging tool. Anything you can do for us in this regards, would be much appreciated.
  16. Version 1.1.0 -Added more print outs -Added check to identify if to close to other entities -Added configs page, (no required) -Cleaned up code for performance Extremely useful for creating mods that can teleport a player!! What mod Ideas do you have?
  17. Now that alliances are out i thought i should update the forums to reflect this mod now with name spacing added. Version 1.4.0 -Moved configuration to /configs/ Version 1.3.0 -Added Namespacing WARNING, if you have a non default configs file, youll need to move it to the new directory, otherwise the script will use default
  18. Im working on version 1.2.0 Should contain extended compatibility for older versions of tmux, which will grant compatibility to other server OS. Restructure of the functions, to allow for better documentation and debugging More commands to facilitate new features Better output on server not starting and multiple bug fixes, especially those oriented around installation.
  19. This thread has been dead for some time now, If your interested in something like this, check out this forum post http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3507.0.html
  20. I would like to have api access, for a mod to manipulate players map. ie removing wormhole map data removing Known sectors from the map Adding Known sectors Adding notes to sectors
  21. Hehe that's funny. That's fix is exactly what I did to fix your mod a week or so ago. Nice to see were both thinking alike.
  22. Not currently but I'll look into adding that on my next update
  23. Worker threads is the number of threads the game uses for all frame calculations inside of a sector. Generator Threads is the number of threads used to calculate generating new sectors (ie jumping to an undiscovered sector)
  24. Check out my server manager http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3507.0.html
  25. ok so the default login in for the web interface is admin/admin (make sure you change that in the account page) your gallaxy should deffinetly NOT be named --max-players, sounds like your manager-config.ini is messed up, make sure review the file, you can use the default on the github page, or re running ./manager install will re install the file. in order to figure out why the maps arnt working for you, you would need to Manually run the parser scripts and report any errors. I can help you with this directly on my recently created discord channel: https://discord.gg/52YZMPt Anyone is welcome to join the channel and leave bug reports/ issues/ concerns/ or feature request.
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