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Everything posted by ErthParadine

  1. As of this moment, steam is still reporting the old version is the latest available for beta: ... "branches" { "public" { "buildid" "1720623" "timeupdated" "1490724643" } "beta" { "buildid" "1720623" "description" "Newest Changes, Beta" "timeupdated" "1490724627" } ...
  2. Its been about 14 hours since the latest beta release, however steam continues to report an outdated version for the server tool. Any idea if this is intentional, or if i'm querying for the wrong AppID. ./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ./avorion/ +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 565060 +quit Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK AppID : 565060, change number : 2926373/4294967295, token 0, last change : Sun Apr 30 11:23:07 2017 "565060" { "common" { "name" "Avorion Dedicated Server" "type" "Tool" "parent" "445220" "ReleaseState" "released" "oslist" "windows,linux" "osarch" "64" "clienticon" "f365d6c1f2d6fc314ef9b3368f6a5b5a5972610a" "clienttga" "712cee76ede4346becb0c5acf4aaebfce7afff43" "icon" "30fa535bacafe4af9f0a3ad0bc18f0112b66652f" "linuxclienticon" "afca031a7cbbf879a08ecdc5a4ea576876573cd7" "logo" "fab88d5bee7f1e60aa886885e37f345d9c794cd6" "logo_small" "fab88d5bee7f1e60aa886885e37f345d9c794cd6_thumb" "gameid" "565060" } "config" { "installdir" "AvorionServer" "launch" { "0" { "executable" "bin/ServerRunner.exe" "type" "default" "config" { "oslist" "windows" "osarch" "64" } } "2" { "executable" "bin/ServerRunner" "type" "default" "config" { "oslist" "linux" "osarch" "64" } } } } "depots" { "1004" { "name" "Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)" "config" { "oslist" "windows" } "manifests" { "public" "5824250741201241164" } "maxsize" "25793504" "depotfromapp" "1007" } "1005" { "name" "Steamworks SDK Redist (OSX32)" "config" { "oslist" "macos" } "manifests" { "public" "2135359612286175146" } "depotfromapp" "1007" } "1006" { "name" "Steamworks SDK Redist (LINUX32)" "config" { "oslist" "linux" } "manifests" { "public" "4340969341640026639" } "maxsize" "40726448" "depotfromapp" "1007" } "565061" { "name" "Server Content" "manifests" { "public" "6205424563608305459" "previous" "2633437459276902184" } "maxsize" "2816439" } "565062" { "name" "Avorion Dedicated Server Windows Content" "config" { "oslist" "windows" "osarch" "64" } "manifests" { "public" "2062543582903963033" "previous" "4501548106203192845" } "maxsize" "40600208" } "565063" { "name" "Avorion Dedicated Server Linux Content" "config" { "oslist" "linux" "osarch" "64" } "manifests" { "public" "3774006032575811805" "previous" "8382588954489736861" } "maxsize" "22059967" } "baselanguages" "english" "branches" { "public" { "buildid" "1720623" "timeupdated" "1490724643" } "beta" { "buildid" "1720623" "description" "Newest Changes, Beta" "timeupdated" "1490724627" } "experimental" { "buildid" "1720623" "description" "" "pwdrequired" "1" "timeupdated" "1490724657" } "previous" { "buildid" "1703199" "description" "The build of the previous version" "timeupdated" "1490638290" } } } }
  3. Your updates continue to impress: showing consistent progress, confidence, and competency. Can't decide if I'm looking more forward to the next dev report, or the next release. Thanks for the wonderful communications!
  4. If you run on Linux, and within a named TMUX session: /usr/bin/tmux new-session -d -s Prod "~/avorion/server.sh" Use the "send-keys" function: tmux send-keys -t Prod "/say \"Update available! Auto-restarting server in 10 minutes, to install new release.\"" C-m sleep 600 tmux send-keys -t Prod "/save" C-m sleep 10 tmux send-keys -t Prod "/stop" C-m
  5. Could you please clarify the current (version 1.1.0) status of server vs client installation requirements? As your first posting says "...THIS MOD IS REQUIRED ONLY TO BE INSTALLED ON THE SERVER NO CLIENT INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED..." ...and then I got the impression you were working on the issue: I ran into the issue of clients required having the mod installed as well last night. Im looking into it today but my knowledge of the games hasnt revealed the answer. to be sure im not done with this mod I think there is more to add and I would like to remove the depends of clients needing the mod. How do your players like the balance? I wanted it to only regenerate when a player enters a system to discourage afking all night long. As well as it being random through out the galaxy. I turned on regeneration in my start sector and thats it. My friend suggested making all neutral sectors into regenerating sectors whats your thoughts on that? ps. I noticed the server wide message wasn't working properly, Ive already fixed it and it will be in the next update. However, your 1.1.0 release notes does not provide any hints as to whether or not an install is required client-side or not.
  6. Server link at top of page is invalid. Should instead apparently to: http://avorion.gamepedia.com/Setting_up_a_server BTW: love the use of SMF. Too bad devs didn't decide to go w/ a self-hosted DokuWiki, as gamepedia.com's wiki can sometimes come off as too outdated or inaccurate (depending upon the game).
  7. I've been using this on our public server SpaceBits for a couple days already...and the annoying pirates are finally gone; players can choose to pick a fight, instead of waiting for a recurring surge to slaughter. Thank you so much!
  8. The "defaultAuthorizationGroup" portion of admin.xml contained the following, even after updating to latest release: <defaultAuthorizationGroup> <commands> <command name="help"/> <command name="players"/> <command name="seed"/> <command name="suicide"/> <command name="version"/> <command name="w"/> <command name="whisper"/> </commands> </defaultAuthorizationGroup> However, a fresh install shows this instead: <defaultAuthorizationGroup> <commands> <command name="help"/> <command name="invite"/> <command name="join"/> <command name="leader"/> <command name="leave"/> <command name="players"/> <command name="seed"/> <command name="selfinfo"/> <command name="suicide"/> <command name="version"/> <command name="w"/> <command name="whisper"/> </commands> </defaultAuthorizationGroup> The adjustment was easy-enough, but upon launching (which is where group support was added), shouldn't this have been automatically adjusted?
  9. Do you know if there's a way to persistently show a sorted overview on the main HUD? Displayed NOT in an opaque/tabbed window, but akin to how ship stats are shown in build mode? As I'd love to have a way to quickly what and who is closest to me, especially during PVP and PVE.
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