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About tracy1285

  • Birthday 03/12/1985

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  1. One idea I know will probably never be implemented unless through mod or the devs really want to add it in so I shall start with the main idea first then the improbable. The first idea I have will give more use to trade and cargo holds. The current system every 3 hours the crew is paid and this goes to a morale system however upkeeping morale is way too easy. I suggest that for each member of crew you need 1 food and 1 drink every three hours along with payment. It can be any food and any drink beer, wine, water, fish, corn, potatoes list goes on and on. It would give use to trading and cargo holds for those who do not use them and also it gives use to stations like the tea plant that you can build. Being able to supply your own ships with supplies from stations that you built. Second suggestion yes I know the devs state that it won't be a thing at least not yet but planet colonization. My thoughts are if any of you have played planetbase that is the kind of system I see but much simplified. You can land on a planet build a structure just like the stations. Supply it with crew and there it goes off and running. Something simple something that lets you see the worlds and use them but still fits in the scheme of crew management. Supply the planet with food and drink and any other supplies it needs for production. To simplify it further make it so that the entire planet is not explorable but instead a small portion you go into the atmosphere you can see terrain and this terrain is the palette to build on. No survival no exploring like empyrion more of a planetbase meets avorion mechanics but without the extensive city management of planetbase. In other words similar to the asteroids but a planet. You can see sky and ground and basic terrain and camera is locked to a certain distance this is your build field.
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