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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. This mod moved to another topic: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4268.0.html Laserzwei did a lot of changes and compatibility fixes to this mod, before I found the time to do so. This is why I gave this project to him, Im sure it will be maintained very well. Thanks Laserzwei http://www.avorion.net/forum/Smileys/default/smiley.gif[/img]
  2. Did not set max fighter, its still on default value (-1). Settings file is included in the save state. The same I used to do in our live galaxy. Yesterday I changed this setting on our live server and hopefully this helps to get it working stable until this issue is fixed.
  3. I could not reproduce this. Please send your server and client logs. Do you use other mods? Maybe its a compatibility issue.
  4. May this be the reason? If not please let me know.
  5. Hammelpilaw

    [MOD] TrashMan

    You may want to add these lines to your script. It changes the mod icon (icon is included in vanilla game). function getIcon(seed, rarity) return "data/textures/icons/trash-can.png" end
  6. Since this is created as a multiplayer game, even a singleplayer game launches 2 processes: server- and client process. When the server process crashes the client loses connection to it. As WSY said, please send your logs.
  7. I just managed to reproduce this issue in a fresh 100% vanilla galaxy. It must be some kind of issue with entities when using many fighters. Could still not find out though what exactly it is... In this test galaxy I got 120 salvage fighter in a scrapyard. Reducing the active sectors per player to 0 seems to reduces the issue, but it does not fix it. Download the galaxy All the entities I have are in these sectors: 0:2, 0:1, -1:1. So it is not related to any special fighter. Few minutes ago our live server seemed to crash by cargo fighters. Edit: Since we got a windows server all crashes happened on Windows. Maybe it is a OS related issue.
  8. Version 1.5.1 is an update of Laserzwei's version of this mod, to make it compatible with Avorion 0.15.x. So you should you the version I published.
  9. Updated the mod to work with Avorion 0.15.7. The notifications for receiving material on the right side of the screen are deactivated, but of course you still get material. I do not guarantie anything, this mod may get outdated in future updates. If you want to overtake this project please contact Laserzwei, we are still looking for someone to keep this alive. MineCorp-1.5.1
  10. Updated mod for Avorion 0.15.7.
  11. Hammelpilaw

    [MOD] TrashMan

    Our server modpack, not a mod ;) There is no download in the forum, you must only download it when playing on our server.
  12. You must shut down the server before you upload the new files, or they get overwritten when the server shuts down.
  13. Hey there, im not 100% sure yet, but I think that this issue is really related to our fighters. Tried to reproduce in a fresh vanilla galaxy, but without any success. At least our server did not crash since we stopped using our best salvage fighter. When there were 240 or more of them active in one sector the server seemed to crash sometimes.... however, cant say anything for sure, thats why I did not post any update. I do not think it is related to the carrier commander mod. Also our sectors with 240+ fighters, wich may have cause the crashes, did not use this mod. So... I figured out a lot of stuff, but nothing really helped to find the issue. I dont know what else to do to find it. At least it seems to work right now.
  14. Hammelpilaw

    No boss at 0.0

    Just reproduced this issue in a fresh vanilla galaxy. It happens when a claimable asteroid or a stash is in the sector. There is an issue in the script spwnguardian.lua: Faction(entity.factionIndex).isAlliance crashes the script because Faction(entity.factionIndex) is nil when "entity" is an claimable asteroid or stash. I do not know why entity.factionIndex is not nil, wich should stop the if statement... however, removing all stashes and claimable asteroids fixed this issue. To fix this issue in your galaxy do this with all claimable asteroids an hidden stashes: select the asteroid/stash by 3rd mouse button type "/destroy" when all of them are removed: leave the sector and enter again -> the guardian will spawn
  15. Hammelpilaw

    No boss at 0.0

    Maybe try to edit file data/script/player/story/spawnguardian.lua. if not entity.factionIndex or (not Player(entity.factionIndex) and not Faction(entity.factionIndex).isAlliance) then Change this to: [code]if not valid(entity) or not entity.factionIndex or (not Player(entity.factionIndex) and not Faction(entity.factionIndex).isAlliance) then [/code] Download of your savestate is currently running... bad connection here... :( Edit: going to bed soon, its getting late at my timezone. Will check your savestate tomorrow.
  16. Hammelpilaw

    No boss at 0.0

    You said you once had mods in this galaxy. Can you reproduce this issue in a 100% vanilla galaxy? Maybe it helps when you delete the sector savestate files of 0:0 at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\GALAXYNAME\sectors
  17. Hammelpilaw

    No boss at 0.0

    On a Windows client the galaxy file (so also the logfiles) are located at: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\GALAXYNAME
  18. Hammelpilaw

    No boss at 0.0

    The boss should spawn when a player enters sector 0:0 (except the boss was killed and the 60min timer is still running). Are you using any mods? When you do, wich mods? Please also post a complete server log file. Edit: ah did not see the "(Single player, no mods)"... sorry. However... please post a complete server log conaining this issue.
  19. Im excited to see this. Please do not forget to increase strength of endgame enemies and difficulty at all inside the barrier :) When you start in a new galaxy, the difficulty is very high. Thats good and should not be changed. But this update should increase difficulty in endgame.
  20. Hammelpilaw

    [MOD] TrashMan

    Great mod, will try to implement this into our modpack soon :)
  21. Please post all contents of the files /data/scripts/server/server.lua and /mods/ShipScriptLoader/config/ShipScriptLoader.lua.
  22. We are running the warlord mod on our server. It works fine, ofc its changed to be compatible to current Avorion version. I may publish our version of the mod when I find some time for. But do not wait for it, there are lot of other things to do for me that are more important...
  23. Can confirm this. Please fix it. Currently it is annoying when you wanna build 10 weapons or more at turrets factory.
  24. Guide to get the artifacts To find more beacons you have to find more yellow sectors (equip a radar upgrade with mass detector). Then you will find the right coordinates by time.
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