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  1. Thanks muchly folks, no doubt I'll be back with more daft questions soon :-)
  2. Hey folks, just started playing and loving it so far, got a few questions with regards to building ships. 1. Do thrusters need clear line of sight to the outside universe? i.e. if I wrap a thruster in armour will it still work? What about is I wrap the thrusters in armour or hull but leave a gap between the two? Basically I'm asking can I hide thrusters and still have them work. 2. Is there a way to control the pilot/view point of a ship? I can use alt + mouse to control it somewhat but I'd like to be able to position the cockpit/flight deck if possible. In build mode I can use F to focus on a specific block, it'd be nice to do something similar. If I try to make a big ship then the view point seems to get pushed way back and I prefer to fly from the front of ships. 3. For blocks where volume matters is a single large section better than lots of smaller blocks? Or is it just the total volume that matters? 4. Thrusters - is the number of, um, thruster holes, purely visual or does it affect the generated thrust? Is the thrust based purely on area / volume? 5. If a copy a section of blocks in building mode, is there a way to flip them before placing them? I can rotate them but if I want to copy a section from one side of the ship to the other I need to mirror it rather than rotate it. 6. I've added in a mod to show turret DPS but the display varies from turret to turret. No frills chain guns seem to out DPS most other weapons available to me (just started getting naonite lasers and plasmas). What's the best way to compare weapons when deciding what to fit? 7. I'm pretty sure the answer to this is no but is it possible to build a carrier that you can use to transport small ships (player ships rather than fighters) around? I'm sure I'm forgetting questions but that'll do for now. Thanks in advance. Andy
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