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  1. Yes, this script is using 5 items.
  2. desc: This modification doubbles the range of new generated Mining and Salvage Fighter from 0.75 to 1.50 credits: LoSboccacc - his scriptcode to increase range of turrets https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2571.msg13371.html#msg13371 install: replace "..\Avorion\data\scripts\lib\fightergenerator.lua" with attached file - serverside installation only, except you play singleplayer - restart the server Not really needed, but if you wish to modify the range by yourself: o/ Johnny fightergenerator.zip restore.zip
  3. Hier bitte, die original Datei: Alternativ kannst du auch via Steam den File-Check machen. Solltest halt vorher sichern, was du geƤndert hast und behalten willst. smugglersmarket.zip
  4. Don't know how to realize that. Didn't find a script for ai-attacks. The function is called with "ai:setAttack(target)". U'll find that in many scripts that set the ai to do something, where "target" can be a asteroid, a wreckage or a enemy ship
  5. client side @darkconsole thanks for this mod
  6. Have a look the comment in craftorders.lua : "-- giving the own craft orders does not work" If koonschi says that does not work you may should believe in that. ;)
  7. In this case you would send the script in a endless loop with no breaks. That should be a massive performance impact, shouldn't it? Nevermind, I've made that changes and now I'm testing it. Done, here it goes: salvage_restless.lua.zip
  8. Hi there! I've modified the ai-script-file "salvage.lua". Now your captained salvage ship should break down all wreckages. Server-Version: Usage: replace your orginal salvage.lua with the attached one Path should be: ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\data\scripts\entity\ai If you use a Dedi-Server, you have to replace the script-file there. Reason for this MOD: Sometimes (about 5-10%) generated wreckages do not have the property "material" e.g. Iron. You can check that by yourself by selecting wreckages that are not salvaged by your ai-ship / autotargeting salvage-laser. In this case the salvage script will not pick up this wreckages. The original script is using "getEntitiesByComponent(ComponentType.MineableMaterial)" to find wreckages. This kind of wreckages are not listed there. I've modified this line into "getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Wreckage)". Also I've commented out the part wich is checking if the wrackages have MinableResources. [edit] Because of the idea of Splutty I've edited the script again. Your Salvageship goes to "sleep" after all wreckages are salvaged. You'll be informed about this. If a new wreckage appears your Salvageship goes back to work by itself. You'll be informed again. Download in this post [/edit] o/ Johnny PS: Does anyone know where the auto-turret scripts are in? ;) salvage.lua.zip = this version just stops after work is done salvage_restless.lua.zip = this version will search again and again for wreckages until you order something else restore.ip = the origonal version of this file salvage.lua.zip restore.zip
  9. does this count for every wreckage? if not, u'll have to wait until its fixed ... and salvage them by yourself (theres is a bug with the some wreckages so they are not attached to the "MinableMaterial"-Entities. your autosalvage laseres und ai-ships will ignore them)
  10. Hi and thanks for that script. this right-click nightmare has ended ;) I've took the originalcode from Cypher and I've edited it a bit to combine the modifiaktions of Guswut and Vaikin. + I fixed that bug that happens if you use autoresearch with no rarities checked (in this case the script did not change the research button back to the default one). this script will research 5 (not 3 or 4) items of the same type and rarity and it will not check the subcategories of turrets (e.g. single, doubble, tripple ect.) To use it, install the original files from Cypher's Post and then replace the code in your autoresearch.lua with this one: package.path=package.path..";data/scripts/entity/merchants/?.lua;" package.path=package.path..";data/scripts/lib/?.lua;" local a={[-1]={"Petty",112,112,122,RarityType.Petty},[0]={"Common",255,255,255,RarityType.Common},[1]={"Uncommon",0,208,0,RarityType.Uncommon},[2]={"Rare",0,112,221,RarityType.Rare},[3]={"Exceptional",255,192,64,RarityType.Exceptional},[4]={"Exotic",255,64,16,RarityType.Exotic},[5]={"Legendary",122,0,204,RarityType.Legendary}} local b={} local c={} local d={} local e={} local f={} local g={} local h=false; function editUI(i)createColors() local j=getResolution() local k=vec2(800,600) required:hide() optional:hide() results:hide() button:hide() local l=UIVerticalMultiSplitter(i.top,10,10,2) local m=UIHorizontalSplitter(l:partition(0),10,10,0.5) m.padding=6; local n=m.top; n.width=220; required=window:createSelection(n,3) local n=m.bottom;n.width=150; optional=window:createSelection(n,2) for o,p in pairs({required,optional}) do p.dropIntoEnabled=1; p.entriesSelectable=0; p.onReceivedFunction="onRequiredReceived" p.onDroppedFunction="onRequiredDropped" p.onClickedFunction="onRequiredClicked" end; l.padding=10; local q=UIOrganizer(l:partition(1)) q.marginTop=5; local n=l:partition(1) n.width=90; n.height=90; results=window:createSelection(n,1) results.entriesSelectable=0; results.dropIntoEnabled=0; results.dragFromEnabled=0; q:placeElementTop(results) q.marginBottom=35; button=window:createButton(Rect(),"Research"%_t,"onClickAutoResearch") button.width=200; button.height=40; q:placeElementBottom(button) q.marginBottom=0; cbAutoResearch=window:createCheckBox(Rect(),"Automatic"%_t,"toggleAutoResearch") q:placeElementBottom(cbAutoResearch) local r=UIOrganizer(l:partition(2)) local s=window:createLabel(vec2(),"AutoResearch Settings"%_t,14) s.width=l:partition(2).width; s.centered=true; r:placeElementTop(s) local t=UIVerticalMultiSplitter(l:partition(2),10,10,2) local u=UIOrganizer(t:partition(0)) local v=UIOrganizer(t:partition(1)) local w=UIOrganizer(t:partition(2)) u.marginTop=10; v.marginTop=10; w.marginTop=10; local x=window:createLabel(vec2(),"Rarity"%_t,11) x.width=t:partition(0).width; x.centered=true; u:placeElementTop(x) local y=window:createLabel(vec2(),"Upgrades"%_t,11) y.width=t:partition(1).width; y.centered=true; v:placeElementTop(y) local z=window:createLabel(vec2(),"Turrets"%_t,11) z.width=t:partition(2).width; z.centered=true; w:placeElementTop(z) u.marginLeft=60; u.marginTop=30; v.marginTop=30; w.marginTop=30; for A=-1,5 do local B=window:createLabel(vec2(),a[A][1]%_t,12) local C=window:createCheckBox(Rect(),"","") local D=window:createCheckBox(Rect(),"","") local E=u.marginTop+25; B.width=l:partition(2).width/2; B.color=b[A] u:placeElementTop(B) v:placeElementTop(C) w:placeElementTop(D) C.width=t:partition(2).width/1.6; D.width=t:partition(2).width/1.5; c[A]=C; d[A]=D; u.marginTop=E; v.marginTop=E; w.marginTop=E end; d[-1]:hide() c[-1].checked=true; d[0].checked=true end; function onClickAutoResearch() if not cbAutoResearch.checked then onClickResearch() return end; autoresearch_on() local F={c,d} local G=0; for A=-1,5 do local C=c[A] local D=d[A] if C.checked then G=G+1 end; if D.checked then G=G+1 end end; if G==0 then displayChatMessage("You did not select any Rarity types to research!"%_t,Entity().title,1);autoresearch_off(); return end; updateInventory() for A=-1,5 do local H=a[A][5] if c[H].checked then local I=getUpgradesByRarity(H) if#I>0 then local J={} for o,K in ipairs(I) do if not string.find(K.item.script,"teleporterkey")then local L=getUpgradesFromSelection(I,K.item.script) if#L>0 then -- min number of upgrades for autoresearch -- if#L>=3 then if#L>=5 then local M=#L; local N={} for A=1,5 do if L[A]~=nil then table.insert(N,L[A]) end end; startAutoResearch(N) return end end end end end end end; for A=0,5 do local H=a[A][5] if d[H].checked then local O=getTurretsByRarity(H) if#O>0 then local J={} for o,K in ipairs(O) do local P=getTurretsFromSelection(O,K.item.itemType,K.item.material,K.item.weaponPrefix,K.item.numWeapons) if#P>0 then -- min number of turrets for autoresearch -- if#P>=3 then if#P>=5 then local M=#P; local N={} for A=1,5 do if P[A]~=nil then table.insert(N,P[A]) end end; startAutoResearch(N) return end end end end end end; autoresearch_off() end; function autoresearch_on() if not h then h=true; window.showCloseButton=false; window.closeableWithEscape=false; window:hide()window:show()button.onPressedFunction="onResearchRunning" end; end; function autoresearch_off() if h then h=false; window.showCloseButton=true; window.closeableWithEscape=true; window:hide() window:show() button.onPressedFunction="onClickAutoResearch"onShowWindow() end end; function receivedResult() onClickAutoResearch() end; function researchFailed() if h then print("Failed") h=false; window.showCloseButton=true; window.closeableWithEscape=true; window:hide() window:show() button.onPressedFunction="onClickAutoResearch"onShowWindow() end end; function updateInventory() e={} f={} local Q=Player() for R,S in pairs(Player():getInventory():getItems()) do local K=SellableInventoryItem(S.item,R,Q) local T=S.item.itemType; local U=K.rarity.value; if T==InventoryItemType.SystemUpgrade and c[u].checked then table.insert(e,K) elseif T==InventoryItemType.Turret or itempType==InventoryItemType.TurretTemplate and d[u].checked then table.insert(f,K) end end; table.sort(e,SortSellableInventoryItems) end; function getUpgradesByRarity(V) local M=#e; local W={} for A=M,1,-1 do if e[A].rarity.value==V then table.insert(W,e[A]) end end; return W end; function getUpgradesFromSelection(W,X) local M=#W; local Y={} for A=M,1,-1 do if W[A].item.script==X then table.insert(Y,W[A]) end end; return Y end; function getTurretsByRarity(V) local M=#f; local W={} for A=M,1,-1 do if f[A].rarity.value==V then table.insert(W,f[A]) end end; return W end; function getTurretsFromSelection(W,T,Z,_,a0) local M=#W; local Y={} for A=M,1,-1 do --change it to use single,double,tripple and quad turrets of the same type in a single research process --if W[A].item.itemType==T and W[A].item.material==Z and W[A].item.weaponPrefix==_ and W[A].item.numWeapons==a0 then if W[A].item.itemType==T and W[A].item.material==Z and W[A].item.weaponPrefix==_ then table.insert(Y,W[A]) end end; return Y end; function startAutoResearch(a1) local a2={} for o,K in pairs(a1) do local a3=a2[K.index]or 0; a3=a3+1; a2[K.index]=a3 end; if not checkRarities(a1)then displayChatMessage("AutoResearch: rarities too far apart!"%_t,Entity().title,1) return end; invokeServerFunction("research",a2) end; function moveToSelection(a1) for o,K in ipairs(a1) do local a4=getSelectionItem(K) onInventoryClicked(inventory.index,a4[1].x,a4[1].y,a4[2],2) end end; function toggleAutoResearch() for o,p in pairs({required,optional}) do p.dropIntoEnabled=not cbAutoResearch.checked; button.active=true; if cbAutoResearch.checked then p.onReceivedFunction="onAutoEnabledTryInteract" p.onDroppedFunction="onAutoEnabledTryInteract" p.onClickedFunction="onAutoEnabledTryInteract" local W=Selection(p.index) local K; for a5,a6 in pairs(W:getItems()) do K=W:getItem(a5)moveItem(K,W,inventory,a5,nil) end else p.onReceivedFunction="onRequiredReceived" p.onDroppedFunction="onRequiredDropped" p.onClickedFunction="onRequiredClicked" end end; if cbAutoResearch.checked then inventory.onClickedFunction="onAutoEnabledTryInteract" else inventory.onClickedFunction="onInventoryClicked" refreshButton() end end; function onAutoEnabledTryInteract() displayChatMessage("Turn of Automatic to use these manually again!"%_t,Entity().title,1) end; function onResearchRunning() displayChatMessage("Research is currently running please wait!"%_t,Entity().title,3) end; function createColors() for A=-1,5 do local a7=Color() a7.r=a[A][2]/255; a7.g=a[A][3]/255; a7.b=a[A][4]/255; a7.a=255/255; b[A]=a7 end end You may use notepad++ for that, but I think the win editor should do it also.
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