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Everything posted by TheFunkyNipple

  1. I recently got back into avorion and still find crew to be a hazard with large ships :'( and the command is still not functioning correct?
  2. Beautiful crafts my dear sir! :) 10/10 love the designs. I love that you give the ships some lore it really ads to it ;D
  3. Dreadnaught design (ion cannons? railguns?/tanky) don't remember all weapon types that are being added post demo.
  4. Its a combination of SW and Eve ships, I used to play eve and it helped ironically with my ocd of everything must be symmetrical. Now i love ships that are a bit off.
  5. These are just some ideas of ship builds I've thought of in the past months after re-installing the demo :) nothing special just me doing my weird builds. Super excited for the release so I can create awesome Titans! :) pics 1. Cargo/Diplo 2. Cruiser (missle/agile) 3. Frigate (autocannons/ambush/speed) 4. Destroyer (laser turrets/cannons/bulk of fleet) (they will be the next few posts due to the max file size of 192kb
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