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Everything posted by Rinart73

  1. 0.15.5 There is no text wrapping in the menu when you're creating new galaxy. Also this happends if you're trying to add a note to the sector or founding a mine or station.
  2. Rinart73

    UI Scale

    No it doesn't because turning off hints is bugged and doesn't work.
  3. For example I have something like this on my ship: I don't think that auto-assigning shop keep it this way. Especially when it unassignes this 1 crewmen from his nice and comfortable job as an Engineer. I think it should assign this guy to the Engineers to get the most profit:
  4. Currently if you'll place repair turrets (even if they're auto-turrets) on the ship with capitain, ship will not fire them. I tried giving all commands with no luck. So, maybe add new command "Support"? Maybe it should be some kind of semi-command. I mean you should be able to command "Wait here and support" or "Follow me and support" or "Patrol and support".
  5. showHints=false showBuildingHints=false playedTutorial=true But hints are displaying anyway.
  6. Currently if pirates/xsotan are attacking sector and you're trying to defend scrapyard, you will lose some relations when you destroy enemies, because as parts of their ships fall off you attack them for a second or two and without license it's prohibited. Same with full ships remains after enemies death. Maybe just make some 1-3 seconds delay, for example attach timestamp to the remains of the ship if it was destroyed on scrapyard. Or something more elegant.
  7. Thanks, but why you don't use namespacing in your "mods/MoveUI/scripts/player/MoveUI.lua"?
  8. I'm a bit confused with this new system of namespaces. I'm trying to change vanilla files as less as possible and trying to use namespaces at the same time. I read others code and see that working with Entities or Sector is still similar - just do as usual and it will work: addScriptOnce("path/to/your/namespaced/mod.lua") However there is no way to attach script to the Galaxy. So I'm seeing 2 variants: 1. Just put everything in vanilla server.lua - Obviously bad idea 2. My current way, which is not working: server.lua package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/server/?.lua" require ("factions") require ("stringutility") package.path = package.path .. ";mods/mymod/scripts/server/?.lua" require("MymodServer") function onStartUp() Server():registerCallback("onPlayerLogIn", "onPlayerLogIn") Server():registerCallback("onPlayerLogOff", "onPlayerLogOff") Galaxy():registerCallback("onPlayerCreated", "onPlayerCreated") Galaxy():registerCallback("onFactionCreated", "onFactionCreated") MymodServer.init() end MymodServer.lua package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" require ("galaxy") require ("utility") require ("faction") require ("randomext") -- Don't remove or alter the following comment, it tells the game the namespace this script lives in. If you remove it, the script will break. -- namespace MymodServer MymodServer = {} function MymodServer.init() print("Mymod: init") Galaxy():registerCallback("onAllianceCreated", "onAllianceCallback") end function MymodServer.onAllianceCallback() print("Mymod: alliance created") end As a result I get "Mymod: init" but no "Mymod: alliance created" when I create an alliance. Can someone give me a hint? UPD: I understand that I can just make onAllianceCallback in the server.lua. But why my way doesn't work?
  9. - I forgot to read "Known issues". Please ignore this message
  10. Until the real docking will be implemented (I doubt that this will happen soon), there is an idea of using the same docking port that we use for stations. And if you have it installed just trade using this "transport beam", which is currently used for trading with NPC ships. Wasting an upgrade slot doesn't feel like a good idea.
  11. (Link to original thread) [*]Please return old behaviour that when you completelly disassemble and delete your ship in "Build mode", you'll just emerge in your drone. What is happenning now is that you will be teleported in your home sector like you was completely destroyed. This makes no sense and renders whole 'delete full ship to get all resources back' almost useless. [*]Also I suggest to emerge drone when your ship is destroyed, instead of teleporting you in your spawn sector right away. This happens sometimes, usually when you crash into the asteroid, but most of the times it's like it destroyed a moment after for some reason. As I already decribed in the original thread, this will: Help to soften the start process for players, because in Iron-Naonite stage you will not be able to jump really far. Calm players (especially new ones) down. I often see angry reviews in Steam like "built cool ship but then it was destroyed and I needed to fly really far to get it". If you'll change this mechanics, new players that die a lot in the start of the game will not be that angry, but as they progress to the core, drone will not break balance that much, because if the enemy fire is dense or it's a PvP, drone will be easilly destroyed. Be logical. Captain should have an escape pod, right?)
  12. I just did some tests: 1. If you crash your ship into asteroid, drone usually emerges. But my friend reported that when he crashed, he was teleported to the home sector. Maybe it depends on Integrity field generator or if your first(core) block is destroyed, then your drone will not emerge. 2. When you fight someone it seems that either drone is not emerging or emerging and dying at the same second. I can't really understand. Anyways, thanks for your answer, I'll just make another post in "Suggestions" then.
  13. First of all, if you'll turn off "Safe mode" and delete your ship, the game acts like you're dead in some way. I mean, instead of emerging the drone at the place where you deleted your ship, it just spawns you in your home sector. I definetely remember that in earlier versions it acted differently. And I also remember that earlier when you crashed into something or sometimes when your ship was destroyed by NPC, you drone emerged again. Now you just respawn. I don't feel like it's a good idea to have this behaviour. Player needs either to grind 75k with certain faction to be able to set respawn point or get 26kk to build an Alliance Repair Dock. On the one hand it prevents people from rushing towards the center. But on the other.. For example to get to the "ok" titanium fields now I need to make a lot of jumps. Fortunately I found a wormhole that helps. But any crash and I'm back again on spawn. I feel like it should be some kind of balance in this. Maybe emerging drone on your ship death with some chance. Because if you're under attack of several good ships (which will happen at least in trinium sectors if I remember this correctly), they will be able to destroy your drone easilly. But for iron-naonite sectors maybe emerging drone will make the start less painfull. Especially since pirate-NPC were buffed (at least I feel like that). So, is it normal behaviour or bug?
  14. I read the Documentation and searched in the code, so I found these too. But I don't see any way to modify planet data. We can either trigger generation or get list of the planets and from this list we can know the type of the planet at most.
  15. I mean, is there any way to get generated planet or sun image data (to display it in the GUI for example) or someway change it? It can help people to make sector more unique, I think.
  16. My mod has nothing to do with "data/scripts/sector/relationchanges.lua"
  17. I tried to found some info and that is what I found: You can look at dev's 'examples' in the following files: data\scripts.old\entity\ai\mine.lua - line 141-147 data\scripts.old\entity\ai\salvage.lua - line 148-154 data\scripts.old\lib\entitydbg.lua - line 304-322 They're very similar though. I suppose you should use this draw function inside of one of the following functions: updateClient() onPreRenderHud() - ClientSector Callbacks onPostRenderHud() - ClientSector Callbacks
  18. I'm not sure that this will work in the game. Every player has his own collor pallete which was collected during the play. And I don't think that game will allow to load colors that you don't have.
  19. I had some free time so.. I found errors in the new build too ;) GET file:///D:/Downloads/.Torrents/Avorion.v0.11.7854/Mods/3lex-avorion-shiptool-ca960acd253f/src/avtool.min.js net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND Because there is no avtool.min.js in the src folder. There is avtool.js however. More errors: When you select a file and then select no file: avtool.js:28 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'readAsText' on 'FileReader': parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob'. at onDataImport (avtool.js:28) at HTMLInputElement.onchange (index.htm:13) Small errors: Then if you fix this 2 errors, after loading the xml file and after that, selecting no file, the old headers will stay. Like "TRINIUM (3)" but with no trinium parts in it. So there is no headers cleaning before you select a file. I haven't figured out how to fix it. You know your code better and I'm just not very good when it comes to a big amount of libraries. Anyway, there is a small hotfix with the first 2 bugs fixed. I hope you don't mind. You need to install it on the top of the current build. hotfix.zip
  20. I'm getting that error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined at Object.keys.map (file:///D:/Downloads/.Torrents/Avorion.v0.11.7854/Mods/3lex-avorion-shiptool-479cce77968b/avtool.htm:58:342) at Array.map (native) at Object.keys.map (file:///D:/Downloads/.Torrents/Avorion.v0.11.7854/Mods/3lex-avorion-shiptool-479cce77968b/avtool.htm:58:179) at Array.map (native) at updateRessourceList (file:///D:/Downloads/.Torrents/Avorion.v0.11.7854/Mods/3lex-avorion-shiptool-479cce77968b/avtool.htm:58:48) at FileReader.fr.onload (file:///D:/Downloads/.Torrents/Avorion.v0.11.7854/Mods/3lex-avorion-shiptool-479cce77968b/avtool.htm:46:328) When I have Hangar in the ship. I looked at your code, you need to add Hangar to the blocklist.js. Hangar has blockIndex = 10.
  21. Looks nice, I'll try this :)
  22. I have ~some~ skill in C#, but the app is written with XAML and it's not possible for me to open it in IDE (because Visual Studio doesn't want to work on my PC anymore) so I'm using Xamarin.
  23. I answered you in the thread you've created. "Ich antwortete dir in dem von dir erschaffenen Thread."
  24. File that manages smuggler station interaction located at "data/scripts/entity/merchants/smugglersmarket.lua". "Datei, die Schmuggler Station Interaktion an "data/scripts/entity/merchants/smugglersmarket.lua" verwaltet".
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