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Everything posted by Sether0

  1. Only lines that contain the marking "base value".
  2. You can use the method suggested by Mattoropael:
  3. Mod is planned to be updated when version 0.12 becomes stable.
  4. At this point, you can get items manually through the developer panel. It is activated by the command: /run Entity():addScript("lib/entitydbg.lua") Access to the panel is displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen (~dev). I do not know how to prohibit players from getting the system. Exactly how do i get it thrue dev console?
  5. Now it is not possible to regulate braking with the help of modules. As an option, you can increase the number of inertial dampers when building a ship.
  6. I hope this function will be implemented.
  7. At this point, you can get items manually through the developer panel. It is activated by the command: /run Entity():addScript("lib/entitydbg.lua") Access to the panel is displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen (~dev). I do not know how to prohibit players from getting the system.
  8. Use text editor Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/repository/7.x/7.3.3/npp.7.3.3.bin.zip
  9. To remove Velocity and Acceleration, you can edit universalsystem.lua by deleting the following lines of code: local vfactor = 10 -- base value, in percent local afactor = 10 -- base value, in percent addBaseMultiplier(StatsBonuses.Velocity, vfactor) addBaseMultiplier(StatsBonuses.Acceleration, afactor) if vfactor ~= 0 then table.insert(texts, {ltext = "Velocity"%_t, rtext = string.format("%+i%%", vfactor * 100), icon = "data/textures/icons/lucifer-cannon.png"}) end if afactor ~= 0 then table.insert(texts, {ltext = "Acceleration"%_t, rtext = string.format("%+i%%", afactor * 100), icon = "data/textures/icons/blaster.png"}) end
  10. The mod is adding 1 extra system module: Universal System Install: Drop the content of the .zip file into ...steamapps\common\Avorion It will overwrite the upgradegenerator.lua file (\data\scripts\lib folder) and add universalsystem.lua (\data\scripts\systems folder). Uninstall: Restore the upgradegenerator.lua from the backup and delete universalsystem.lua mod_universalsystem_1.0.zip
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