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Everything posted by RAZLESS

  1. Hello, Thanks for all your responses. "So much time to dodge/change course unexpectedly" => Yeah currently that's a bug I think... With the cannon, we can also consider than the shell is too slow. More the time to travell between you and the target, more chance you miss the target... I don't know actually the speed of cannon's shells. For me the realism is, like the exemple you cote of the big guns of the battleships, is like human would do in sky : Capital ship suppoting fire by firing on far ennemy ships. If you're too close, you will be damaged more rapidly because of the gun's accuracy too high (depending on distance). The bombers will try to bomb the ennemy ships. If they have too many loses, they retreat. The fighters will try to attack ennemy bombers, and will try to destroy the ennemy fighters too... That's the realism for me. We can also speak on how the ships blocks are destroyed, and if it may be realism, the ship would be a single block (but have the form of your ship) when you finish your construction, and this block will be deformable depending on impact on it... I don't know what you think for this, but I wait your responses !! RAZLESS
  2. Now my last idea for the moment... I want to see my spaceship going to battle for long time... Firing long distances battles up to 40 km depending on each weapon types... Seeing fighters fighting for their life.... Seeing ennemy ship not having only 1 type of turret on his hull and having more turrets depending of the ship size... I don t really like to have 100 cards on my ship just for turret just having like a bonus (+ 1 turret on each card if volume > 0.1 M of m3...)
  3. Hello again, I post avain because for my opinion, fighters are verry, verry slow for the space. Our real fighters can go mach 4 : 4 * 340 m.s !!! Actually in game I have seeing only 270 m.s... Also, we can immagine they can use post combustion, but for balancing, I think capital ships may be slower, so we can deactivate boost of their engines... RAZLESS
  4. Hello ! So I have an another idea, but this time more difficult : Immagine you can make your turrets but not in an factory, but with blocs !! I don't make a great list of all components we can have for each type of turret, but if it's a good idea for you, I can make an exception... RAZLESS
  5. Thanks for your responses ! I think this game gonna be the best of the gender, but a touch of realism can be good to : firing to 50 km xd
  6. Hello ! I'm new to the forum, and sorry for my bad english : I am french... So my idea is than the player can choose the colors of the weapons shells, of the shields, of the thrusters (avorion is red, so we can colorize theses to blue for exemple) and the thruster trail color of the fighters... Also, the IA can have theses weapons colors depending on his faction color... It seem good for me, it make the game more personalizable... Thanks for watching, RAZLESS
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