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Everything posted by Rothen

  1. Salvage sigthers always jammed like this on very smal blocks. Define a minimum block size for spawn ships or give the salvage fighters a better pinpoint.
  2. The old tool tip was enough for me to plan ahead. But game mechanic is your part :-D I suggest this moral Formula: - Generals leave slowly with contdown if you don't pay them. - Commanders leave slowly if you don't have enough Generals. - Lieutenants leave slowly if you don't have enough Commanders. - Sergeants ... Maybe with a moral bar for every rank.
  3. After the Hotfix my ship needs still a lot of officiers. Build new ship does not help. Bug also in singleplayer/crative without mods. Found new Ship, load blueprint from the same ship. Ship needs officiers without crew.
  4. Amazing work. I love it. :-* And fly save
  5. Currently I have a lot of client crashes. No problem if you can restart the client an relogin to the server. But I have to wait perhaps 1 minute until the server accept a new login. Maybe he waits for a timeout of the old connection.
  6. How about a solution with game mechanic? Calculate the alliance-NPC standings by the average standings of all members. In this case one memember can not ruin a alliance allone. When you can see the numbers, how your alliance standing is calculated, you can kick the troublemaker and everything is fine after that. For better performance, you can recount the alliance standings maybe ervery 15 min.
  7. With the upcoming alliances update, we will see more PvP content. I dont like the idea of raiding the stations from offline players. How about to copy some EvE-Online game mechanics. - You can set your prime play time for every station, based on server time (maybe UTC) - Every player can read the "prime time" of a player station - You can change the "prime time" only every 48h and on 100% shield - When a station is under attack, the player/faction gets an ingame Mail - When the station is on 0% shield, the station goes to a stasis mode (EvE calls it reinforce mode) The stasis mode ends in 24h+ to the next prime time. The attacked player has now some time to set up a defence fleet. (PvP > PvOffline) For example: Day1, 04:00am you find a EnemyPlayer Station an shoot it. The station prime time is set to 19:00pm. The owner gets a Mail, "Your Station X in x:y is under attack by player Z" On 0% shield, the Station enters stasis mode. The owner gets a second mail with "Your station X in x:y is now in stasis mode. Stasis mode ends on Day2 19:00pm." - In stasis-mode, the station don't take damage. - Every one can see, this station is in stasis-mode an can see a timer when it ends. - In stasis mode you can't build and repair the station - the station don't produce goods, don't by/sell goods - the owner can move cargo from/to the station On Day2 19:00pm the station leaves the stasis mode on 50% shield. When the shield reaches 100% again, every thing goes back to normal. The Station is secure again. Or the attacker continues to destroy the station.
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