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Everything posted by Tampa_Gamer

  1. How do folks that do a lot of creation in the ship editor approach periodic saving and versioning of their designs? I am trying to save each version/variation of a ship design (e.g. draft 1, draft 2,etc.), but the only way I can do it successfully is to exit the game and then utilize Windows Explorer to find the user folder and manually edit the names of the ship files OUTSIDE of the Avorion program. Is there still not a simple way to "save as" within the program? With so many ship designs out there, I must be missing some simple approach that everyone else is using to accomplish this.
  2. 100% agree with the above post/request. The flexibility and brilliance of the ship design module is one of the key strengths of this game, but the inability to handle basic windows functionality (from decades ago) mars the experience for new users and old alike and wastes a lot of time (with workarounds). Both the template and ship design area need to handle: (1) the ability to create/name a folder at the point of saving a design and navigate within those folders - this will allow users to self-organize as they see fit; (2) the ability to see what the date of the is (so you can determine latest versions for a particular design/template); and (3) the ability to "save as" or rename a ship design or template on the fly.
  3. Ny - how exactly does that work? My son and I both have the beta and have scoured the mail system, diplomacy table and tried to right click for hidden right click menus. We basically want our ships to stop shooting each other. We tried to found an alliance to transfer our ships into, but it did NOT inherit our diplomacy standing at the point of creation and instantly turned the current faction from max. relationship to abhorrent so our ships started getting shot at so we disbanded it.
  4. Sorry to necro this thread, but just want to echo the importance of the above, we need some basic windows 3.0 functionality for the ship design save/load menu functions. (1) the ability to create/name a folder at the point of saving a design; (2) the ability to see what the date of the .xml file is (so you can determine latest version); (3) the ability to "save as" or rename a ship design. The flexibility and brilliance of the ship design module is one of the key strengths of this game, but the inability to handle these basic functions mars the experience and wastes a lot of time (with workarounds) that could otherwise be spent further testing and tracking down bugs. Thanks
  5. This is a very minor petty annoyance, but as a first mod to this great game I was going to tweak the names of the professions in the localization file to something more to my taste (every country/armed service has their ranks/preferences - and generally don't like to mix traditionally ground ranks with navy ranks, except for purposes of shipboard marines/boarding purposes). I thought this would be in a localization file somewhere and the professions would simply be listed so we could modify them as desired since they only show up on a few screens in table format. My initial digging found where these were enumerated, but it appears the enumerated professions names are used throughout the scripts in various calls, etc. so I am not certain they can be changed without breaking a great many things unless the table labels are disconnected in some manner from the variables for purposes of the localization files. Has anyone done any similar digging on this issue?
  6. Just want to say thank you for this mod, it is really helpful - please keep up the great work
  7. Thank you for this mod, I am sure the mechanics will eventually be incorporated into the game, but the in meantime please keep up the great work!
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