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  1. ;D Alright alright. Avorion definitely got better since i first checked it out (which was back when it was fully free) Here are some suggestions you should consider. 1. UI framework. Honestly, current method of adding new windows, hardcoded HUD and few minor things, all things considered - are poor. Good practice is to adopt an UI framework which can be worked with. Consider something which has a form builder, or at least something with coherent and encompassing markup. 1.1 For the time being, while ui isn't there - please add a panel which shows which systems on a ship are enabled disabled - i already have an ability to turn hyperdrive/engines/thrusters etc on/off - but no indication of knowing whenever each one is. Yesterday i smacked into another station because i forgot that i turned off flight assist after jumping in (disabled it along with other systems for hyperdrive regen) 2. Personal module loadouts. Not a big secret that every ship can be built to be multi-role. At the moment, because i have few different loadouts i need to constantly hot-swap them by hand - scanning upgrade, hyperdrive upgrade, shields (crysis ai voice: "[glow=red,2,300]MAXIMUM ARMOR[/glow]"). 2.2 Subsequently give ability to have any number of turrets on the ship, with "maximum turrets" only permitting activation of number of turrets, rather than disabling ability to build even. It's really frustrating that when i need to turn from salvaging to mining i need to go to build menu, delete/set new turrets. (so basically crew + permitted activated number are determining if turret can be used) 3. Angry aliens. Consider giving aliens rejuvenation turret which turns wreckages into semi-functioning (50% hp max, 15% shields max) zombies (with upper control of 1-4 husks per alien (depending on ship size)), so even a small fleet of aliens can wreck havoc, especially on wreckage fields. I mean at the moment - aliens are nothing more than pirates. This thing will most likely separate them, making them sizable threat. 4. Useless companions. Seriously. This is frustrating. There is absolutely no point in having a fleet of ships, because their behavior is utterly stupid - they loose track of you even when they're just too distant from you and you jump out, deactivate any tasks when you're not with them, and generally act stupid, both in defense and offense. 4.1 Consider adding a fleet beacon module which pings companions so that wouldn't loose track of you, with petty one being 3 sectors/1 gate network hop range(...) legendary being 40 sectors, 10 hops and 2 wormholes and exotic being whole galaxy (with A* so they would actually use hopes, wormholes and stuff) 4.2 And also giving player-built captain-controlled ships better behaviors, both offensive and defensive, also making it possible (with a server switch) to have sectors where they are in always active. Give player agency to decide if he wants to put his hardware through the hoops. If i spend resources onto the ship - i expect it to mine just like NPC ship would (stand still face asteroid, mine), not fly around like a retard, occasionally poking asteroid (seriously, this game is like X - let player have ability to have a fleet of dozens of useful ships to do his bidding, so it would completely replace X either) 5. Ravaging consequences of siding with someone. Right now faction affiliation system is very childish. I especially like 15th commander giving me same tired speech about how brave i was engaging their enemy, giving me 40k+ affiliation. That's empowering first few times. then it get really silly. Consider global diplomacy roster with few major factions, which are controlling all the minor ones. Think how elite dangerous did it's global affiliation system - a whole roleplay with agent missions, global domination agenda and powerplay might come out of it. (that's especially relevant for large multi-player servers where player will be able to roleplay that) next ones are more personal and subjective 6. I know whole gameplay balancing is about bringing player to the center of the galaxy where main bulk of the story missions at. However. That doesn't really work because all the outter sectors become absolutely irrelevant. It's basically same flaw which freelancer had in it's heyday. In my opinion - it would be better to have it, again, like elite dangerous did it - where everything is present through out, however highest powered equipment can be installed on most valuable, largest ships. In my opinion that would give the whole galaxy an edge, with some sectors having high-tech equipment, while others relying more on numbers, but keeping them balanced between each-other. With direct incentive to skim through the galaxy finding high-tech meccas rather than going on a single vector inwards. 7. Ship generator rework. Basically - general idea is instead of having just point - point construction, you might wanna consider adding connector part definition into the generator - example - a diamond connector (covered in slopes in at 4 sides) can be connected to only with prefabs which have diamond connector on them as well. Obviously this will take some time to figure out how to do - however result will be much better looking ships. It might rob generator of accidental brilliance, but - in favor of ships which don't look like an L shaped strip with engines to the base of l. That's, imo, stupid looking ship which has no reason to exist.
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