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Everything posted by Tobosaku

  1. eviL_Bison you missed to point out what makes Avorion a quite unusual product on Steam EA. It has actual gameplay which goes beyond the usual tech demo "give me money now!"-attitude of Steam EA games. Building fancy ships from Star Wars can be done in many sandbox games, but I fail to remember any game which has that much to do at release on Steam EA. Further on, apart from the circle jerking enemy ships and the hyperspace blockers trapping me forever in a sector (which was patched a day after, as we know) there were no major bugs. I've actually had the same prejudice as your responder to your thread. Thought I'm going to add just another of these games with a lot of potential to my library. And sadly nobody will be able to see what makes Avorion special from screenshots or feature descriptions, because Steam EA enables developers to be quite vague in their descriptions in relation to actual currently playable content. Apart from people actually trying out or watching gameplay, it's quite hard to catch browsing steam users.
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