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  1. Would love this to be updated research drives me nuts.
  2. Playing on a friends private server. Gate works but a weird visual problem, no visual indication you are positioned correctly. 8 artifacts on board, #1 artifact fitted, asteroid base #1, range 0, no light. Same at #2, #3 , #4 etc with #2,#3, and #4 fitted. Opposite side of the galaxy, another 8 Xsotan asteroid base system. Repeat above. No lights. Change Bloom etc to check not a visual issue. No change. Pop into a base iron drone ship, try again and no change in the result. The gate opens but no graphical indicators. Pics attached https://s2.postimg.org/xdix1k1nd/20170806162359_1.jpg https://s2.postimg.org/ilfhl8qop/20170806162219_1.jpg https://s1.postimg.org/xwnvf4sfj/20170806165518_1.jpg
  3. I am aware ships from the workshop can be downloaded to Beta and used there only. I got tired of being interrupted by attacking NPCs while building ships so went to Beta to do that assuming self built ships would be available in single player. Sadly the ship blueprints are blacked out in Default Branch and if used the spawned ship automatically self destructs. Is there any way of making ships built in Beta Branch playable in Default Branch? Some of the ships I have built and want to use. Left to right, Carrier (7 Slot), Support Ship(4 Slot), Cruiser (7 Slot), Destroyer (6 Slot), Capital Ship (11 Slot) https://s21.postimg.org/t71wp1tjr/20170710210901_1.jpg
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