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  1. I always set my military turrets to group 1, mining lasers to group 2 and salvaging lasers to group 3. I have found that when I'm flying the ship, if I disable all turrets except 1 (say mining), that when I hop out into my drone and send it off to do something, it'll only use the turrets that I left active. The down side is that you have to hop back into it and change the active turrets every time you want it to switch jobs. I've started just outfitting my mining ships with 1 offensive laser and the rest mining lasers and my salvage ship with mostly salvage turrets and a couple of mining turrets (so it can mine until we make some salvage). That's what I've found and what I do. Hope it helps.
  2. So I've looked everywhere that I can think of, and I haven't been able to find anybody who has done any Sword of the Stars or SotS II ships. I particularly like the Morrigi myself. The link is to my Steam wall of screenshots, I have the Leviathan, Dreadnought, Cruiser and Destroyer. I tried to cover all the angles and get some good close-ups. The Destroyer and Cruiser are more specifically what I'm looking at/for, though the larger ones would be sweet too. There are a lot of curves in these ships anyone up for the challenge? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040956828/screenshots/?appid=42990&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=grid
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