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Everything posted by ArchanDelon

  1. I do agree that auto-buy is not needed, as I may end up purchasing more time for a salvage operation I don't want. I do however think that reputation loss across the entire game is far too punishing. If you have good enough lasers or a lot of fighters you can go from Excellent to Abhorrent in a matter of a few seconds. I once shot a base station one time with 25 salvaging lasers and lost 140k rep even though lasers do no damage to shields. They need to add a visible timer on screen rather than a 15 second warning.
  2. For some reason... I don't know why... but I know those situations ;D It could be that namespaces in the carriercraftorders.lua file are not needed, cause the mod is not using namespaces too. Did not try to figure this out yet. But cause you need this mod and Nexus does not seem to be active anymore.... maybe I will try to get this working, but cant promise. The one time I got the mod to work, the very first time I ran it, it worked very well but felt a little cheesy in how simple it made resource gathering. What I'm the most interested in is finding a way to control all fighters squads with a single command (Recall All, Attack All, Defend All). I don't mind having to multitask, but sending 10 squads of fighters after a wreck that falls apart repeatedly is tedious. I'm sure they intend to add this function in the future, but as it's QoL I doubt it will be anytime soon. I'll poke around with this mod but I'm terrible with lua so I don't know how far I'll get with it.
  3. This mod has no craftorders.lua. The only file it overrides is server.lua. It seems that "server" was a global variable in version 0.11 (but I dont know, didnt mod before 0.12) but is replaced now, also the server.lua has changed. So there are 2 things that are at least wrong (if my thoughts about server variable are correct): [*]Mod content (its only one line) in server.lua needs to be merged into current server.lua [*]Replace "server" globals in mod by "Server()" or set the server variable You should not use the original mods server.lua file as long as the mod is not fixed, cause it could also cause lot of other issues. Yes you are correct, I was pretty tired when I wrote that and it sounded a lot clearer in my head at the time. What I meant to point out was the differences between the original craftorders.lua and the new file in the mod carriercraftorders.lua. Specifically that the carriercraftorders.lua had no namespace and didn't use it throughout the document as the craftorders.lua did. Besides that I did also notice that the server.lua caused a lot of problems when it was loaded, most notably was the error I mentioned previously and tremendous server lag when fighters were launched.
  4. So I was poking around and looking at the differences between the original craftorders.lua and the new one and I noticed a few discrepancies through the entire document. I don't know if this is why it is not working as I am not very good with lua. The default craftorders.lua has a namespace in it, which is something I believe the recently added to scripts, that is missing from the craftorder.lua supplied by the mod. The new namespace reads as follows: Through a large majority of the rest of the document there seems to be a call to the new namespace before each variable and function. For instance the next section reads: VS the craftorders.lua provided by the mod: While I'm no lua expert, this could be the reason why the script is no longer loading, the icon isn't working, and the new script causes a large amount of lag in both single player and multiplayer when it is installed and not working.
  5. Even something as simple as allowing me to use the delete key on my keyboard to delete the ones I have selected would make significantly quicker work of cleaning them up. What I started doing was going to the ships folder in your Avorion directory and deleting them that way.
  6. But i agree to ndervish, to scale enemies based on the player is not the nice way.... also I don't know how this should work in Avorion? Every sector has its own difficulty (so also the npc ships and stations has). You can not change it this way, you need to change the sectors difficulty. I agree, I wouldn't have every sector in the galaxy scale with player power because, as you mentioned, NPC factions and bases would also have to scale which adds too much complexity. I think the current tiered scaling in the galaxy is the correct approach in that regard, although the difficulty in these areas needs to be increased. Faction stations already have massive shields and hulls in all areas, so the power of ships in the area could see an increase without risking the factions. I'd start by looking at the average obtainable Omicron in an area and base the enemy power tiers there. For instance, with 15 mid tier turrets you can easily hit 5000 Omicron in a Xanion area so the enemy ships should be at least half of that if not more, otherwise you are swatting flies that cannot even break your shield. As I said in my OP, I hit 11k Omicron just from ship drops and shops which would still give me the ability to scale well beyond my enemies while still adding a challenge to a new area of the next material grade. Every great game that has a way to scale the player has a method of scaling the enemies, you just scale them in a way that favors the player. In the games current form you can build a starter ship and jump safely all the way to the barrier, wait for a few Pirate/Xsotan attacks on a friendly faction and join in for money/turrets or do a few trades and buy turrets, mine xanion for an hour and build a Xanion ship. Equip mediocre weapons and demolish the bosses with no difficulty. You then move into the center of the galaxy and beat the final boss in the same Xanion ship you just built. I seen videos of people beating the game in just a few hours, which leaves nothing left but the gathering/building/trading aspects of the game.
  7. I understand your point, and I would agree if the scaling was unilateral across the entire galaxy (which instead should be in varying tiers based on distance). The scaling I am referring to right now is only for the bosses themselves. The underlying story is that this unknown alien race has walled off the center of the galaxy and is exterminating the galaxy faction by faction. Such a powerful race should feel just that, powerful. Currently the artifact bosses are weaker than pirates and Xsotan that attack titanium areas, let alone Xanion areas. If you are required to fight these bosses to get past Xanion, you would think the bosses would be scaled for people with Xanion ships and Xanion weapons. Perhaps we could add a minimum Omicron level just to get the bosses to spawn, so you don't have someone in iron getting one shot by Boss Swoks. The scaling I suggested is on a difficulty curve in favor of the player. While the bosses grow with the player, they are growing at a much lower rate, so the stronger the player the weaker the bosses overall. Using the (Base + ((Player - Base)*0.5)) scaling I suggested you would have something like this: Player 2.5k Omicron - Boss 5k Omicron - 200% Player Power Player 5k Omicron - Boss 5k Omicron - 100% Player Power Player 10k Omicron - Boss 7.5k Omicron - 75% Player Power Player 15k Omicron - Boss 10k Omicron - 66% Player Power Player 25k Omicron - Boss 27.5k Omicron - 55% Player Power Player 100k Omicron - Boss 40k Omicron - 52.5% Player Power As far as difficulty when playing with friends, this will never be balanced as the devs have said that this game was not made with multiplayer in mind. It was more of an afterthought and all the current difficulties in the game are set for a single player. That is not to say that you couldn't base the calculation from average power (Two players of 5k power and 10k power would have an average power of 7.5k, so you could scale the boss off this average amount. Players severely under the bosses power shouldn't really be there with a friend severely above them in power because it is easy for the Xanion friend to upgrade someone in Iron to Xanion.
  8. So I've packed a few hundred hours into Avorion so far and I see a glaring problem with the difficulty of the game even on Insane. As the Omicron of your ships increase, the enemies seem to stay the same power. The final boss of the game only had 5k Omicron, which is a score you can gain from weapon drops and shops at Titanium/Naonite levels. I'm not going to talk about Turret Factories because those weapons are so powerful you're basically cheating by using them. I suggest adding some form of Omicron scaling to the game and increase the base power of all the bosses by a large amount and here's why. I spent a large portion of my time in the Xanion areas thinking I needed to be prepared for the Artifact bosses. I built a ship full of Xanion and equipped 20 Turrets I got from drops and shops for 11.4k Omicron, 400k Hull and 1.2m Shield. When I went to fight the bosses I was severely disappointed. I was massively outclassing the bosses by such a large scale my friend 1 shot Boss Swoks by ramming him. The power levels of the bosses was so low I could have taken them on with a challenge at Iron and Titanium levels. What's worse is the Pirates and Xsotan in the same areas as the bosses had a higher Omicron score and more health than the bosses themselves. Here's a quick comparison: On Insane Difficulty Boss Swoks - 250 Omicron AI - 500 Omicron Bottan - 400 Omicron The Four - 500 Omicron Naonite Xsotan 1250 Omicron Xanion Xsotan 2500 Omicron Wormhole Guardian - 5071 Omicron I equipped five turrets at 46dps each and hit 251 Omicron. Total the turrets do 230 dps. It would take a 250 Omicron boss 86 mins to break my shield, if the shield did not regenerate during combat. I love the farming, building, trading, salvaging, weapon hunting, and feel of the combat but the game is waaaaaay too easy as I've only ever died from ramming an asteroid. Personally I'd make the Artifact Bosses a baseline of 5000 Omicron, which is easily obtainable at Xanion levels. I'd make the Wormhole Guardian 50k baseline. I'd then place a 50% scaling based on the players Omicron levels above the baseline (Base + ((Player - Base)*0.5)). So if a player with 10k Omicron fought Boss Swoks, the boss would have 7500 Omicron (5000+((10000-5000)*0.5)).
  9. Nope, that one I have never been able to reproduce, ill ask Devious about it. I am also getting this error when trying to use the mod. I installed it on both the server and client. It worked one time after I used the script command and manually called it and jumped to a new sector as suggested on the first page of posts. Once I closed and reopened the game I could no longer get it to work. I tried fully uninstalling it running the game/server, then reinstalling it and nothing. clientlog_2017-07-28_22-46-16.txt
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