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Chaserx's Achievements



  1. First off let me say I have been loving playing this game. Here are some suggestions I have after playing for a couple weeks. 1. Have a better defined range of stats for system upgrades. Obviously the higher the tier the better the stats there should be. The top range of the lower tier should be around the bottom range of the next tier up, but there should only be a couple of points of overlap. For example shield booster, if the top range of exotic is 120%, then the lowest range of legendary should be 118%. When I upgrade at the research lab and my exotic with 120% plus the others turns into a legendary with 109% it is very frustrating. 2. Upgrading the Object locator system upgrade to legendary provided nothing additional. At exotic it already scans the entire sector. Change it at legendary so it either uses substantially less energy, it states under the indicator arrow what that object is, or maybe gives +1 to deep scan/radar. Or some other feature that actually makes it worth upgrading to legendary. 3. At either the research lab, or a new type of station, add the ability to build customizable system upgrades. Make it so you can pick between 1-3 stats. If only 1 stat is picked it would have a higher range that it could obtain, 2 stats not as high, but now 2 stats of any choice, etc. The range would also change depending on the tier it ended up as. And what would affect the tier is how many system upgrades you sacrifice into building it. By sacrificing any 5 common system upgrades I would receive a common system upgrade, but with the stat of my choice. Have it so it shows you what tier you will be receiving. So instead of only 5 common I sacrifice 12 common, 8 uncommon, 7 rare, 3 exceptional, & 1 exotic that would increase the upgrade I received to exceptional or exotic. But have it show which I would be getting so I could decide whether it is worth it. For example say I only chose shield durability and sacrificed the latter, I receive an exotic with 125%. But say I chose that & generated energy, then the system upgrade I receive has 98% shield durability and 68% generated energy. 4. An improvement to independent targeting salvaging turrets. The weapon ones are great. But when salvaging I am fairly consistently having to move around or change it from independent to attack my target then back to independent. Sometimes they work great, sometimes 2 or 3 seem to work fine and the other 2 or 3 do nothing or aim who knows where. 5. A transfer all button which would transfer all crew and cargo from one ship to another. 6. Some kind of additional reward/incentive for distress calls. I for the most part just ignore these as it seems about 90% of the time they are fake. Maybe add in some kind of counter/tag/token for destroying pirate ships and not just for ones from the fake distress calls, but in any sector. Then at military outposts you can turn them in for rewards, either relation bonus, ore, currency, or turrets. 7. An indicator in the trading overview sell to station tab that would mark/highlight any items that we actually have in our cargo hold. Or an option to categorize our cargo holds alphabetically would be nice as well. 8. A looting fighter that would fly around collecting all the turret/upgrade, ore, & currency drops. 9. Being able to build our own fighters. Even if it is just picking from preset models where my choices are all the slight variations in their stats as long as I am able to provide the turret that it will use. I would love to have a squadron of fighters with turrets that I have built myself. Any thoughts/comments on these ideas is welcome.
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