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  1. Credits: 56,742,844 Iron: 40 Trinium: 916,016 Xanion: 3,362,646 Ogonite: 375,563 Avorion: 530,210 that 40 iron seems so out of place
  2. Anyone have details on the gateway system to get past the barrier? it does only spawn in hidden yellow systems yes? is there only 1? how far away can it spawn from the barrier? i wonder this because i have hundreds of yellow hidden mass around a small section of the ring and it could take days to travel to everyone of them around the entire ring thanks picture of my galaxy https://gyazo.com/05428d542d507d9e5d4f6034f918b707
  3. The other day i imported a ship into a survival game, it was quite big and required a lot of crew and thought that it would be a good idea to give the blueprints to a friendly shipyard and then i could select the option to have it crewed. it would help the issue of having to run around for 20 minutes trying to find enough mechanics P.S Game is awesome, love playing it, its everything i wanted space engineers to be
  4. Just wondering if i can be friends with the aliens that warp in? they are neutral to start with but still attack me, just wondering.
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