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Everything posted by c3pu

  1. Ok thanks, this was just pseudo code, I have never actually coded in LUA. I'll try doing something when the Server Launcher works later on.
  2. Windows, but the OS shouldn't matter since I have already wrapped the server. So I only need to find a way to stop it, my batch file will do the restart.
  3. Thanks for the update! Glad to hear this is being worked on :)
  4. How would I implement the new save() and stop() functions to make a server restart script? I have tried running something like: now = os.time() then = now + 3600 while if (os.time >= then) then save() Server():broadcastChatMessage("Server", 0, "--Restarting Server--") stop() end end Help would be greatly appreciated :)
  5. AI stations sometimes get damaged and the docking ports break off, or are just not there in the first place. I am not sure if this is a bug, but it is annoying as this makes the station useless.
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