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Posts posted by Shrooblord

  1. 7 hours ago, TrevorJD said:

    > Improved shapes of asteroid fields (only affects newly discovered sectors)

    It would be helpful if there was a command to force a reset of sectors. It would delete the sector data file, for one sector or all sectors, allowing it to regenerate under new rules. It should perform a check for player structures (stations, ships, satellites, beacons, etc.) and fail if improvements exist but still have an option to force the issue.
    e.g. /regeneratesector [x y / all] [-force]

    This is possible using the Debug Menu. It doesn't 'save' Player Entities as far as I recall (i.e. yes, your Stations and in fact all other things in-Sector except your Ship (maybe use a Mining Drone just in case) will be destroyed), but it does regenerate the entire Sector. Not sure if "only newly discovered sectors" includes regeneration through Debug Menu but if it doesn't, you can get your hands on a brand new Sector using:

    /run Entity():addScriptOnce("data/scripts/lib/entitydbg.lua")
  2. Hey there!

    I love the new Captains. However, I've started getting into that classic mid-game part of Avorion and am starting to notice that I'm 'abusing' certain types of Captains to give my Station Founder Ships certain buffs since no other Captains would give them anything beneficial. Maybe that's by design.


    That said, here's some ideas for some more Captain classes / archetypes that are specifically geared towards running Stations:

    • Economist
      • Business Sense: All trades performed at this Station get a mark-up or mark-down in prices in favour of the Station owner
    • Manufacturer
      • Driven: Increases Production output of your Factory by some flat/percentage bonus
      • Armada: +1 Concurrent Fighter Productions
    • Fleet Commander
      • I Send the Swarms: +1 maximum Fighter Squadrons allowed at this Station
      • Bullet Hell: all Fighters launched from this Station have +10% attack speed


    And here's some ideas for upgrades to the currently existing classes, so that perhaps all Captains could be useful as an either/or Ship-or-Station-manning Captain. I.e., don't necessarily change anything about the current Captains, but add more Traits that give benefits when they man a Station specifically:

    • Merchant
      • Market-Savvy: Draws more Traders to the system
    • Explorer
      • Quest Generator: Station generates special Bulletins that give you rewards for going on Exploration missions yourself (the Player)
    • Commodore
      • Intimidating: reduces likelihood of Pirate raids in this Sector. Stack multiple Stations all equipped with Commodores to create a 'Safe Haven', a sort of reverse Hazard Zone, where Traders feel like they can come and go as they please without having to worry about getting ambushed
    • Daredevil
      • Boistrous: Draws the attention of Pirates / Xsotan more than other targets in-Sector, allowing you to create Stations that are effective 'tanks' for the rest of your Ships/Stations in-Sector and/or distraction buoys some distance away from the more vulnerable targets, by drawing aggro from hostiles
    • Miner & Salvager
      • Industrious: When running a Resource Depot, increases yield from refining Raw Ore into Resources (i.e. 'bonus' to Resource output -- 'free' Resources)
    • Smuggler
      • "Licenced" Retailer: Turns this Station into a Smuggler's Outpost, where you can trade illegal goods and unbrand stolen goods. Severely reduces Trader traffic in-system (they don't like to hang around where the shady people of the Galaxy lurk)
    • Like 1
  3. Hey!

    My proposition is a one-key engagement of your Autopilot (a new feature in currently on the Beta branch). This is so that you can keep flying without switching to Strategy Mode (1), aligning your camera to your target (2+), clicking in the list of Ships to reselect your own Ship (3), and clicking your target or destination (4). Don't get me wrong: I love Strategy Mode. Especially with the QoL updates, it's been a joy to use.

    But the proposed system saves on clicks/actions dramatically! Instead of 4+ clicks/button presses, you would have one (1) single button press to engage the Autopilot.

    The most typical use-case for this would be Cruise Control. This means you engage the Autopilot, and it just keeps your current heading and speed. With additional thrust input, you could even get it to speed up and/or boost.

    But when you have a target selected, using this new hotkey would interact with it as appropriate for that object as if you just used Strategy Mode. For example, with a Station selected, it would perform an Autopilot fly-to and then start a Docking sequence. If it's an Asteroid, we will attempt Mining it. If it's a Wreck, we will begin to Salvage it. If it's a hostile Ship, we will engage it using the Autopilot's Attack Enemies Order. (Advanced features require a Captain as appropriate to the current functionality of the Autopilot.)

    Nearly all of this functionality already exists in-game through the Strategy Mode. For most of these features, it is simply a 'rebinding' of the behaviour from 'Strategy Mode -> navigate view -> select Ship -> right click' into 'middle-click to select -> hotkey'. The Cruise Control is new behaviour, but would appear easy in concept; maintain current speed and don't use Thrusters at all. The extra speed and boost controls are niceties to add on top but not crucial for the requested functionality.

    Thanks for reading!

    Thanks to Discord user Yukkahiro for the spark!

  4. Hi there! Just bumping the topic to let you know I've rewritten the first post entirely. No more pictures; just plain text code blocks for easier copy-pasting (and also to ensure the images don't get deleted over time like with the previous version... yuck!).

    Furthermore, slightly edited some instructions for clarity, and added my own music.lua to the end of the first post in case you want/need to copy it over in its entirety for whatever reason or just like seeing a complete example. There's also a downloadable attachment. See the first post of the topic!

  5. On 10/28/2020 at 11:51 AM, Valck said:

    It still can not be tilted up or down though, or am I missing something obvious?

    No, you are correct. You can, however, change the position of the grid vertically and pan around -- check the keyboard shortcuts noted at the bottom of your screen for help.

  6. Hey there, just to follow up on this: after a suggestion by Ravenis on Discord, I've managed to get it working.

    The solution was to add the --public 1 --listed 1 arguments to the startup script.

    I would like to add how weird it is that the INI file had these arguments set to true already, and the CMD prompt and server log read-outs all said that "yes, we are public and listed", yet it appears to be lying about that unless you also specify it in the startup script itself.

    A little arcane. But I have a working server now. Hope this helps someone else along the way.

  7. Hey guys,

    This question must have been asked a thousand times before...

    Trying to create a server so I can test my multiplayer mods on it, and I'm running into issues.

    I'm on Windows, and followed all the Wiki steps. I forwarded the correct ports (27000 - UDP & TCP; 27003 - UDP; 27020 - UDP; 27021 - UDP -- and even tried forwarding all of them on both TCP and UDP), poked holes in my Firewall, set listed=true in the server.ini. Tried the --use-steam-networking 1 command line argument as well.

    I can see it on the public server list if I log onto the game on the same machine it's running on, but can't see it if I log onto the game (on another Steam account) on a different computer.

    If I try to direct connect through IP, it says the server is unreachable.

    I do not have Antivirus blocking me or anything else, and I'm not running through a VPN.

    I've pretty much exhausted all Google search results and I'm a bit at a loss.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot,



  8. I'm having exactly the same problem. Running on Windows, followed all the Wiki steps. Forwarded the correct ports, poked holes in my Firewall, set listed=true in the server.ini. Tried the --use-steam-networking 1 command line argument as well. I can see it on the public server list if I log onto the game on the same machine it's running on, but can't see it if I log onto the game (on another Steam account) on a different computer.

  9. I'm trying to use the forceDock() function, but its final two arguments, which should indicate the dockee's look and up vectors, don't seem to do anything, no matter what sort of matrix I use. I'm using console print-outs to confirm that the matrices themselves are accurate, but the dockee simply never rotates. It always uses the parent's look and up vectors, as if I entered nil for those final two arguments.

    Is that expected behaviour?

    If not, could you please look into this? I have a great mod in the making (some nice docking mechanics!), but it's stopped totally dead in its tracks because of this behaviour.


    Koonschi reported that this is already possible / more workable if you use strings for the axes you want your dockees to align to, eg. "x", "-z". I have found it quite tricky to find the right combinations of vectors (which are in the parent's LOCAL SPACE!) to get the orientation I need, as many of the ones I expect to function given the colours of the axes reported in Build Mode as well as console read-outs of Block positions, don't behave to expectations, but with some fiddling of letters you can find them. I reserve the right to hide the fact I may just be terrible at vector Maths. 😉

  10. Quote

    - Strategy Mode: Camera can now be rotated by just holding right mouse, shift doesn't have to be held
    -[UBR] Fixed an issue where shots of ships owned by players, but controlled by AI would cause reputation losses when hitting the wrong target
    [UBR] Fixed an issue where all patrolling ships would fly to the same point in space and get stuck

    Aw dude I'm so happy with all of these. Good stuff!!

  11. Hey Boxel,

    Love the look of the new forum! So clean. Very modern.

    I do miss the "top posters" column -- my bragging rights!! x)

    Looking forward to seeing how the suggestions voting system will pan out. Hope it helps you filter through what we as a community care about most.

    Can't wait to see what comes in the new update. Each one is a charm.

    Keep being awesome,



    • Like 2

    If for some reason you are running an ancient version of Avorion between version 0.21-1.0, read on:




    Hey gang,


    Avorion recently got an overhaul to its Music Player. It now builds a playlist of tracks based on "moods", and chooses tracks that are appropriate for that Sector based on how many Stations are left alive there, how many Wreckages are there, whether the Sector is neutral, hostile, or friendly to you, whether it's completely empty, etc. etc.


    Basically, you no longer have a list of random tracks, but tracks that feel "appropriate" for that environment.


    [spoiler=introduction]For example, there's the collection of TrackCollection.All(), one for TrackCollection.Happy(), one for TrackCollection.Neutral(), TrackCollection.Desolate() etc.


    Also there's this one TrackCollection.HappyNoParticle() which is literally what it sounds like: the collection from TrackCollection.Happy() minus Particle.ogg. RIP

    There's also this helpful line:

    -- modders: reserve track numbers 15 - 1000 for additional future music

    which is a pointer that you should start using tracks with IDs 1001 and up to avoid conflicts with future Avorion updates.





    What does this mean for all of you out there who had a vast library of music added into the game? Well, I am one of them (3 GB of music to be precise), so let me walk you through the steps of making your music show up in game again. In my case, it's time to categorise 3 GB worth of music into "moods"... ^^"



    • For all directories, move into your Avorion Steam installation directory first: YourSteamFolder/(...)/Avorion/, typically something like
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\.
    • All music files need to be in .OGG format, or Avorion will not play them.



    Main Menu



    The Main Menu just plays whatever's in the data/music/main/ folder.





    Background / Ambient Tracks



    Step 1.

    Navigate to data/scripts/lib and open music.lua.



    Step 2.

    Add indeces for your music tracks:




    Step 3.

    Add them as keys in the Tracks table:



    This has the path to the actual tracks. Note how I've forgotten to add .ogg at the end of most of my files? Don't do that! The filepath includes the .ogg extension.


    [NOTE:] The track "long_forgotten.ogg" will never be played, because it is erroneously called "loing_forgotten.ogg" in your /background/ folder. I have already submitted a bug report.

    To get it to show up in-game, rename the file in the /background/ folder to "long_forgotten.ogg" as it should be.



    Step 4.

    Add the keys to the TrackCollection.All() function.




    Step 5.

    Make a decision about which mood your tracks fit to, and put them in the appropriate function. I'm putting them in Neutral myself, because I'm currently in a Sector that pulls from this list, so I want my music to show up there. I'll have to properly categorise them later, but for now, this is good enough for me.



    To find out which moods the Sectors pull from, you're gonna have to do some digging. Search for the TrackCollection. function inside all scripts in the data/scripts/sectors/ folder -- this defines which tables the game pulls from in order to build a music playlist for that Sector.



    Step 6.

    Turn up the volume to 11.


    That's it! Your Background Music will now play in-game. ^^




    Combat Tracks



    Not sure yet! I haven't investigated combat music yet, but I expect it either plays any of the files inside the data/music/combat/ folder, or operates in a similar fashion as Background Tracks and has a music table of its own. But I haven't gotten to that part yet so I don't know for now.





    Boss Tracks



    Each Boss has a unique track that is defined in the data/music/special/ folder. When a Boss gets spawned and goes into attack mode, the Boss defines which track to play:


    The AI

    registerBoss(Uuid(), nil, nil, "data/music/special/ai.ogg")

    Don't worry about the other arguments -- they detail the Boss's Entity UUID index, health bar and shield bar colour values, but we're not interested in that right now. The good part is the fourth argument, which is the path to the music track.


    The Guardian

    registerBoss(Entity().index, nil, nil, "data/music/special/guardian.ogg")


    Not Specified / Generic Boss

    Bosses that don't specify a special track use the boss track data/music/special/boss.ogg.






    Have fun modding your game, and listening to some cool tunes!







    Note that the file paths described above can be any subdirectory of the Steam Avorion installation path you want! This means that if you package a mod with, for example, a cool new Boss to fight, you can give it custom music that sits in its own folder separate from the data/music folder, so that you don't even have to tell your users to drag the file into the appropriate folder; just "plug 'n play" and there you go!


    This system means adapting, a little, but it is more flexible than the old one, and you as a modder (or user) have more control. Excellent~!

  13. Just to confirm for all y'all 1.0 players: this still works! I just made a mod for the Workshop using the new modding system, but the basic fundamentals of this are still the same. To make it friendlier towards other modders, and to allow Boxel to add new music without your mod overwriting the vanilla file so that their new music doesn't show up, I suggest adding to the tables rather than straight-up replacing them. You know how it is, using the new modding techniques outlined in the Wiki. I'll edit the first post soon with new instructions.


    There's actually two very friendly ease-of-use functions at the very end of music.lua that seem to be built specifically so we can insert new tracks into the tables quickly. It's almost like they built that thing with us modders in mind...! ;)

  14. Hey,


    The screen shake effect when your activate the Booster is making me nauseous. This is unfortunate, because I spend a lot of my time in this game boosting around, and actively don't want to play the game anymore if it's making me feel sick.


    Could you please expose an option for it in the Graphics menu to either set its strength, or disable it outright? Thanks a lot.




  15. I would love the ability to more precisely control what happens to System Module Upgrades. More specifically, I request:

    • A hook to prevent the functionality that triggers the onUninstall() callback from occuring. In other words, prevent a Player from uninstalling an SMU and/or destroying it permanently.
    • Force-install an SMU to a Player's Ship through scripts.
    • Force-uninstall an SMU from a Player's Ship through scripts.


    This is because, in certain conditions, we might want to permanently lock-in an SMU into their Ship. Think of vampiric / parasite systems, or exploitable uninstall-reinstall mechanics (when the SMU adds flat bonuses like Crew Workforce for crew such as Pilots and Boarders that might not be on-board the Ship at time of uninstallation) that could be fixed by preventing the uninstallation dead in its tracks.


    Additionally, you could add cool questlines with upgrades becoming replaced by some corrupted version of them, and/or have nefarious characters forcibly install systems on your Ship that act like in-game spyware, etc..



    Re: Force Uninstallation


    You can actually force-uninstall an SMU; in the end they're just scripts added to your Ship. You can remove this script manually using removeScript().


    Adding it using addScript() doesn't seem to be fully functional, as the script is loaded and added to the Entity, and when you pass it a sufficient seed and rarity, it runs without errors, but no SMU is ever physically added, and so no bonuses are added to the Ship.


    Happy coding with this new knowledge! ^^

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