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Everything posted by Shrooblord

  1. YES, I love pineapple on pizzas. I'm also kind of amused by the incendiary hatred it can spark in people. How can someone be so adamantly against food preferences that you literally get angry by the mention of some recipe choices? xD
  2. I know this is an old topic, but I just read this in the patch notes for December 3rd: So does this mean fighters can now have shields? :o
  3. Ooh, I like the targeting one for the coordinate calculator module. The generator one looks good! Could be one from the game itself. ;) ---- OK, so a little bit of an update from me and my work on this: I've scrounged through all the Documentation, and tried to make sense of a couple of different scripts and other System Module Upgrades. There doesn't seem to be a function or property readily available that controls the amount of time that is taken calculating the next jump through hyperspace. So no luck there. I did find an Enum that might be of interest: it's called StatsBonuses and every other System Module Upgrade uses it to apply modifiers to the different stats that spacecraft have (surprising, I know, right?). Some of the StatsBonuses in question are StatsBonuses.RadarReach and StatsBonuses.HyperspaceCooldown. However, according to the Documentation, unfortunately this Enum does not expose the time it takes to calculate the next hyperspace jump; here's the full list of stats that are exposed to StatsBonuses, as mentioned in the documentation of Enums: [spoiler=enum StatsBonuses]RadarReach HiddenSectorRadarReach ScannerReach HyperspaceReach HyperspaceCooldown HyperspaceRechargeEnergy ShieldDurability ShieldRecharge Velocity Acceleration GeneratedEnergy EnergyCapacity BatteryRecharge ArbitraryTurrets UnarmedTurrets ArmedTurrets CargoHold Engineers Mechanics Gunners Miners Security Attackers Sergeants Lieutenants Commanders Generals Captains As you can see, only HyperspaceReach, HyperspaceCooldown and HyperspaceRechargeEnergy are exposed, and we all know those are already System Module Upgrades that are available in-game. ---- Having done all that research, I'm fairly confident it is currently not possible to implement your mod idea for a hyperspace calculation accelerator, sorry. :( I'll keep looking around just to be sure, but I think I'm clutching at straws at this point. P.S. Interestingly though, crew are on this list. It may potentially be possible to mod in an "Autopilot" System Module that adds a captain to a spaceship even if you don't hire a Captain. Perhaps you could even create a whole automated spacecraft not stocked with crew of any description this way. Adds some cool flavour to your ships and saves money, besides!
  4. Hey there. Not a big fan of double-posting, but with lack of a delete button, I can't delete-edit-update my post like I'd do everywhere else and I'd like this to be seen. I found a "bug" of sorts while using this mod. Although I'm not sure if that's at the mod's fault or simply due to the nature of how Avorion works with the player not being present in a Sector, I've noticed that while I'm away, the Captained ships that are hauling goods don't move assets or make me any money. In fact, when I return to the Sector they are in, they're in the exact state and position they were in, carrying the goods they had, as when I left. The Sector, apparently, is literally frozen in time until my return. Is there any way to simulate the Captained ships still moving assets around while out of Sector? Like with the Out of Sector Production Mod? I've seen in the Documentation that there's a whole bunch of functions for teleporting entities around, adding and removing their cargo and so forth. So while the "simulation part" could be just that: a faking of them moving goods around, upon re-entry, you might find them in another place you expected them, teleported by the script to some location that makes sense based on the time you've been away and the number of goods they've been simulated to have hauled. I don't know how easy it is to register the haulers in a list of entities you can keep track of, though I must admit I haven't taken a look at whether Goods Hauler already does that or not. In my view, if it does, that's already a large part of the heavy lifting underway. My mind is already racing with possibilities on how to "fix" the other parts of this idea. Just to sum up what's on my mind: [*]We need to gather a list of the Stations that exist in the Sector. Documentation shows there's a "get all entities" function with an option to filter for a specific type, such as Traders, or Factories. [*]We need to know what these places regularly have in stock. I'm not sure how this is determined in-game, but surely there's some way to determine their regular production ticks, how much storage they have, and roundabout estimate how much of that product gets stored, and how much is used up by other factories in the system, or traded away to other people (or AI) than the player. I.e. how much cargo is actually available for us when we are in the Sector? Our simulated amount should be around the same amounts, or things will be very fishy and obviously fudged (and more exploitable). [*]During regular or random intervals, the Haulers are marked for "picking up goods", "in transit" or "delivering goods". These are three separate states they can exist in, and these states are tracked for each Hauler individually. [*]In the "picking up goods" state, if the player warps in at that time, the Hauler is teleported to the Station they were assigned to be "picking up goods" from, then buy the amount of goods from that Station as per normal with this mod installed while inside the Sector. [*]In the "in transit" state, if the player warps in at that time, the Hauler is teleported to some point in the Sector along the expected travel path between the Station where it was "picking up goods" just before, and the Station where it's set to be "delivering goods". This point along the travel path is determined by the measure of time between the completion of the "picking up goods" state, the player warping in on them, the Hauler's maximum velocity and the distance of the Station where it's meant to be "delivering goods" from the Station where it was "picking up goods". At the same time, the Hauler's cargo bay is stocked up with the goods in question. [*]In the "delivering goods" state, if the player warps in at that time, the Hauler is teleported to the Station they were assigned to be "delivering goods" to, then sell the goods they're carrying. [*]In each of these states, if the player does not warp in, a number of things happen to simulate the Haulers performing the work they're not actually performing (due to how the game unloads Sectors, apparently): At the end of the "picking up goods" state, which lasts for some predetermined amount of time, money is deducted from the player's total, and a message is posted in the Economy chatlog to indicate that money was spent to buy goods. During the "in transit" state, a non-arbitrary timer is going off that is determining when the Hauler transitions into the "delivering goods" state. At the end of the "delivering goods" state, which lasts for some predetermined amount of time, money is added to the player's total, and a message is posted in the Economy chatlog to indicate that the player received money for selling goods. No cargo changes or teleporting around of entities is actually performed if the player does not warp in, save for some "virtual cargo" that tries to keep track of how much the Stations in the Sector currently have in stock; this should follow the method of how the OoSP mod does this; perhaps these changes I propose are a new mod unto themselves, which hybridises the Goods Hauler and OoSP mods together. [*]We can fudge most of the points on this list, as long as it's in a realm of reasonable possibilities. For example, Diamond Factories don't suddenly sell Clothes, and the Energy Cell Factory that's always out of Energy Cells doesn't suddenly have them in stock while we're away. And goods sell and are bought for realistic prices, as if normal transactions are actually taking place. These additions would be a little bit of work to be sure, but would make the galaxy feel that much more alive. Moreover, it would allow players to set up little trading routes and trading convoys that actually function, which would be super cool. Anyway, if anyone has any insights into how this could be done, please do contact me. I'm very interested in trying to set this up. P.S. And after writing all of that, now my mind is racing with the possibilities of adding multi-sector trading convoys going out to trade with Stations elsewhere than the current Station. I guess I'm starting to try and make the galaxy into a persistent universe-type deal. xD
  5. Really? Which one? I've had traders stuck in my core system, and a fix for that would be lovely. Ah, you mean trading a ton of expensive goods to make a quick buck? Yes, I too think the economy system could use a bit of an update in that regard. There's this Economy Update mod, one part of Wayleran's Galaxy Modpack that attempts to fix that and also takes a wrench to other parts of the game's balancing. I'm sure you personally are already aware of this modpack, but for any others reading, it may be of interest to you. I personally enjoy them. They make the game a lot more challenging. I think the exploit you mention highlights another problem I've run into as of late: while it's relatively easy to make a lot of money, it's very hard to effectively get a load of resources. Sure, you can buy them at a Resource Depot, and that costs a metric crapton of money, if it even has the resource you're looking for in stock.
  6. Hey there, more feedback from me: I know you tweaked the cargo space requirements for goods, but were super low-end goos like Carbon also supposed to be tweaked? Simple carbon now takes 100 volume per unit. That's a lot of cargo space I'm gonna need to retrofit onto my ships! :P
  7. Hi, could it be that you changed the descriptions of the Xsotan Artefacts? {ltext = "This system has 4 vertical "%_t}, {ltext = "scratch on its surface."%_t} This is what the systems 4 through 8 now all say. I'm pretty sure the higher systems used to report a different number of scratches and/or describe a different defining characteristic about the Xsotan Artefacts.
  8. Has it been updated again since last I downloaded it? Sheesh, you iterate quickly!! May I suggest adding a version number to the mod that details its own version number in addition to the one which indicates for which patch of the game it is? That way people can easily check whether they're all up-to-date already. :)
  9. I agree to the Turrets part, but I think the Hyperspace Engine System Module is one that all ships of all sizes should be able to benefit from, large or small. I understand the concerns about wanting players to put in more energy blocks, but we're talking energy modules here the size of twice my ship's size to be able to support an upgrade with even a 10% cooldown. That's a little intense :P
  10. Thanks! Also, nice. Unreal Engine. So far I've gotten a clone of a Radar Upgrade into the game, but using your icon, a custom name and custom description. Step 1 complete! Time to figure out where the data is that controls how long the ship needs to calculate for a hyperspace jump, and whether it's exposed to mods...
  11. Just played around some more. I think the Hyperspace System Modules are too costly in energy now. It takes 40 GW of energy for a simple green Hyperspace System Module upgrade. 40 GW isn't hard to produce if all you fly is a capital ship, but in the wake of mine being destroyed, I've been zooming around the galaxy in a tiddly little ferrari-like ship that is mostly just fast, agile and small. However, this means I can never produce the kind of power requirements to install even a basic Hyperspace System Module that isn't trash tier, which means I have to wait 20 seconds after each hyperspace jump. I suggest making the Hyperspace System Module less costly in energy requirements than it is currently. Strike a balance between disallowing OP carrier dreadnoughts but also allow smaller ships to use the System Modules effectively.
  12. Sure there is, buddo. It's called the Glorious and Magnificent Empire of Shrooblord the Magnanimously Marvellous, Praise Be His Kin. Its home sector is at -77: -162 in the Shroobiverse Galaxy. :P
  13. Definitely, check the first post. Near the bottom, there's a thumbnail of a screenshot, and then two tiny and easy-to-miss download links as attachments to the first post. All mod posts on this forum are structured that way. ;) I've got this mod installed and can confirm it works with the current patch.
  14. Isn't it more that it checks if all files Steam / Avorion expects to be present are present, and in the correct state / checksum? If you don't remove the Avorion music but only add new ones, Steam wouldn't know to check for those. If you do remove the Avorion music, Steam will notice they're gone and put them back in, but it will never touch "extra" files you put in the folders, because it's naïeve of their existence. I think the Integrity Verification is meant to be understood more as just that: verifying the integrity of game files. So if Alpha.lua is a game file and is corrupted, it will get replaced. If Beta.lua is missing, it will get downloaded and put back. If Gamma.lua is present and not corrupted, it will be left alone. If MyMod.lua isn't a game file, the system won't know to look for it. It makes sense for Steam IV to operate like this. A clean reinstall would be uninstalling / manual deleting the game folder, then installing through Steam. Verifying integrity of game assets is checking and making sure (verifying) that the files that are included in a normal Steam installation (the game assets) are present, valid, complete and not corrupted (their integrity is established).
  15. Oh, wow. I was planning on creating one of those in a dark Sector for... well... let's say additional funds to help further the progress of my Empire. Thanks for informing me.
  16. Hi, Hellatze, could you please upload your icon in PNG format? The game uses PNG files for icons.
  17. Which exploit do you refer to? Oh hey, you're right. Is this stat visible anywhere in-game?
  18. Anyone interested in taking this project up for a modding opportunity, go ahead. ;) I'm currently looking at your Hyperdrive Jump Calculation mod idea. Sounded quite interesting.
  19. Ah, good point. I've been in a couple of neutral Sectors and I've always wondered whether it was only PvP that was disabled or whether Xsotan and Pirates also stayed out of them. Thanks for confirming. This is very useful information to me and my Trade Route plans.
  20. Playing Devil's Advocate here, I think you misunderstand why Hellatze doesn't want to use the Steam Verification of Integrity. If you've read elsewhere on the forum, he's stated dissatisfaction with the game and requests a refund; that is a little atypical of someone who hasn't bought the game. Most likely, and I can guess at this because this is also my reason for disliking the Verify Integrity option in Steam, is that he's modded the game extensively, and doesn't want to reset all his work modding the vanilla files by getting them replaced by Steam's VI system. That's what happened to my modded files when I was forced to reset because of a corruption I'd caused in my game files, and then I had to afterwards painstakingly go through and re-apply all the mods I'd installed. Not fun. That said, yes, Hellatze, I agree that you could tone down the aggression just a tad if you please. I like talking to people, and I like helping people, but please stay within reasonable limits of emotional state. Or, if you really are super angry about something, breathe, take a step back, consider whether it really is worth throwing an angry message out onto the public Internet, and if you really think that is the best approach, then go ahead, do it. I can't tell you what to do. But do please consider that what you say has impact on anyone who reads it. It may not be obvious, and they may not even say it, but harmful behaviour is called harmful because it affects those who come in contact with it to be affected in a negative way. Please keep the harmful behaviour to a minimum. Now that we've all taken a shot at backseat modding I think we should stop. It is not our place to discuss members' behaviour. Although voicing our opinion is fine. Let's not take it too far though.
  21. Oh, yeah, I noticed most of the things you've mentioned. I was just wondering whether a 80% nerf (not sure how much you nerfed) is a little excessive when 75% nerf would do, but that's just my two cents. Moreover, the Legendary +5 all turrets System Module Slot now requires 78 GW or something like that, which is 60% of what I already currently produce, while the "parasitic" and "harsh" shield upgrades require a percentage of what I already produce, which ends up being more favourable in my case. So while I haven't yet upgraded my ship with Generators (and now, can't do for a long time still until I rebuild because of the aforementioned Xsotan "whale slap" wrecking my capital ship lol), using the "vanilla approach" still with my ship, the % Sytem Modules are actually in my favour rather than the flat 78 GW-costing ones. If that's how you wanted it balanced, that's cool. This is simply a situation report. ;)
  22. Yeah, sure. I'll have a look around in the game code and see if I can understand what part controls the Hyperdrive calculation timer, and if I can mod it. I'll report back with results, success or failure. ;)
  23. I'm guessing they put it in because they put all the other stuff in, too, and it's now in as a preliminary Station you can build. If it was the only Station out there you couldn't build yet, you'd be "but why not?" Hang on, are you saying that if you create a RD inside a different faction's Sector, you still don't make any money for operating it? That sounds broken. I mean, I have no experience operating one so I wouldn't know, but I'd expect at least an income from NPCs coming up to it and trading for resources.
  24. Project Exodus, dude. ;) I did end up completely cannibalising all those wrecks, knowing full-well what was inside... 8| i hav no soul
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