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Everything posted by Shrooblord

  1. Haha you block the Gates with asteroids? That sounds hilarious. What if you warp into the Sector through a Gate? Do you get crushed by asteroids instantly? lol But in all seriousness, yes, griefing is terrible and should be preventable, especially when it's this kind of thing. I agree that player ships should not be able to be pushed through Gates while offline. Even if you have a no-damage mod on your server like you mentioned, Devious, it still means players can grief others by disorienting them and putting their ships in different places than they're supposed to be. I like the persistence of player ships while they're offline: ships are not ghosts - it makes no sense that they'd just disappear when the players log off; this is a persistent universe and stuff happens while you're not around. In RP / canon: your ship's Captain (you, the player) goes to sleep / hibernation and leaves the ship dormant. But perhaps something else can be done: offline player ships could be hidden in or near asteroids, or somehow disguised or safe-guarded with a no-touch Upgrade or something to counteract the griefing. That, and, as you also mentioned, Devious, there should be death / pvp logs available.
  2. Thanks for sharing, Valek. These are indeed insightful remarks to take a few lessons from. I sort of disagree with the design decision to make fighters immune to ramming though. If you want to play Orc Style and ram your way through to Galactic Supremacy, you should be able to squish pesky mosquito fighters with your massively oversized hunk of flying space junk if that's what you want to do. :P I see where the decision came from: you don't want fighters accidentally flying into stuff and destroying themselves, or hitting the hull of passer-by NPCs and wrecking themselves, asteroid fields etc., or kill themselves on your own carrier while they try to dock back in with the mothership. However, I feel the solution to this is not to make them completely immune to ramming, but give them some sort of shield against ramming that slowly recharges over time after it's depleted. I mean, honestly, if you, the player, really really want to ram into your enemies to kill them, you should be able to, right? The mother carrier could even have an invincibility bubble around her, where the invincible to ramming is still active, so they definitely won't deplete their shields trying to interact with the mother carrier. Or perhaps the carrier regenerates their shields super quick when they're near her, which would also add an extra layer of gameplay design: hit and run type fighters.
  3. I know you guys asked for a no-mods solution, and since one has been posted that appears to work fine, I'll leave my pro-mod weigh-in on this conversation also. There's the Better Docking mod that makes AI ships' pathing to Stations waaaaaaay better i.e. they now should never crash ram into them and push them away ever again. I mean I know you asked for no mods, but eliminating the source of the problem rather than patching the problem sounds like the proper alternative to me. ;)
  4. Yes, I enjoy the premise of these ideas. If we can modify everything else in the game about our ships like for example INFINITE SPEED AT PETTY LEVEL UPGRADES (?!?!), then it only makes sense that Fighter production should also be one of those modifiable things. Of course, you wouldn't want to have a Release-the-Safeties type of Upgrade like the infinite speed one for craft production for the sake of keeping the game somewhat sane, still, but having some way to enhance the process seems at least reasonable, but definitely like a fun time.
  5. Hm, that sucks. Thanks for informing us about that bug. I'm gonna keep this mod in a "do not install just yet" folder until that's fixed - thanks for the heads-up.
  6. Ahhhh cool, so it's an inner-outer-radius thing to define a circle of Sectors around the Galactic Centre within which the events you also define in config can be encountered? So you can define mega-hard encounters closer to the Centre, but not in the outer rings? Is there a config option to give players an option to tweak the percentage chance an event will occur that you can expose in this mod? It would be super cool to define a mega-hard event that shows up every so often in the Centre, but almost never in the outer reaches of the arms - however, there is a certain chance it still happens in the outer arms and so you could have a crazy scary attack once in a while even when far away. I'd definitely build an event like that for my own Galaxies. ;D
  7. I love these ideas. It all sounds very streamlined. And then maybe something like SHIFT+1 to activate/inactivate the turrets completely like what 1 and 2 etc. are bound to now? Or possibly hit 1 once: activate turret group 1, hit 1 again: select turret group 1. Use the keys "F" and "G" like you described: hitting one of the keys changes the turret group's behaviour. Hit 1 again: inactivate turret group 1.
  8. I love the ideas you propose for being able to build ships (although possibly not limit it to only Creative), save the Blueprints and sell them to other Factions so they, too, can build your design of ships. That would be epic and give you more agency in this vast, vast Galaxy. Imagine going to another arm in the Galaxy and seeing one of your designs flying around. You'll know that that guy must've come from somewhere near your home, which is a super cool thought. Maybe Pirates steal your designs and use 'em for their nefarious purposes. (Maybe maybe, if they do this too much, your rep with other Factions goes down for allegedly conspiring with Pirate scumbags - or at least for providing something that the Pirates obviously like so much, they use it all the time now, thus you having inadvertently empowered the enemy). Your rep could go up as a shipwright, and Factions from other corners of the Galaxy could start off knowing you and even liking you a little for your craftsmanship, or the opposite, because their ideas on good ship design is way different and you're "ruining the market" with your "art". :P ---- I don't so much agree with the notion that you then couldn't change these ships, however. They're your ships. You should be able to do with them what you want: maybe you create a template design that you want to mass-produce, with the express purpose of giving each one a custom and unique finish, but want the main structure to be the same for each. You'd limit this kind of creativity with that approach. ---- This is a highly intriguing concept and I've written it down on my list of Mod ideas... I'll look into how feasible it would be making something like this happen without being the actual programmer of the game. ;)
  9. Have you tried downloading and putting the files located in the data/scripts/ folder of the mod's main GitHub page into your own Steam installation directory of Avorion (usually something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\data\scripts\)? I don't think there's different install methods for this mod whether you run on a client or a server. Just pretend the instructions on that page that say "Server", say "Your Local Steam Installation Directory" instead - does that help?
  10. 60-70 hours a week?! That's crazysauce! Yeah, you keep at it and make sure you don't burn through yourself, mate. I'll be here. Waiting. alone send help So if I understand correctly, your RC mod will eventually give Orders to ships in faraway Sectors, which is possible because of the keep-alive functionality that's now in the game? That's mega cool. I'll be looking forward to seeing that pop up in the future.
  11. I'm looking forward to it. ^^ While I await that, what do the sektorTo and sektorFrom parts of the config you mentioned do? Do Pirates generally follow a single line in their attacks, through all Sectors from a start location to an end location?
  12. Hey, I see a new forum about a topic I'm hyper excited about, I get active baby. ;) So far I'm having a good time here - it'd be fun to see a little more bustle around here, but laid back once-a-day posting runs is fun, too, tickling a different fancy. Thank you for creating an updated version of the mod!
  13. Hah, whups that would explain why the update broke the mod. I only replaced the MoveUI line, not the scrapheap line, too. :P The good news, however, is that even with the script inactivated, the previous timer (in my case 4 h or so) is left as-is.
  14. Sweet, that looks nice. I'm assuming it remotely gives Orders to Captained ships? Is there any way it could be combined / interfaced with by the FleetControl mod? It's the first mod I installed for this game and I don't know if it's first girlfriend nostalgia syndrome or something, but I'm super madly enjoying having *it* as the interface to my cronies rather than the "find ship somewhere in this godforsaken Sector full of distracting clutter...>press F...>find the option Orders...>select Order...>rinse and repeat 15 times for all my other ships... ugh." methodology of vanilla Avorion. Also I was not aware of the fact that they'd already implemented the change in Sector keep-alive behaviour that they've been promising / looking forward to adding as a feature in the game. That's great news. What is RL? Real Life? Rural Lollygagging? Reticular Larson (god I hope not!)? EDIT: Avorion was just updated and I diffed some files just to be sure. Looks like scrapyard.lua in data/scripts/entity/merchants had some rework, according to this diff I made. I don't know what that means for your mod specifically - just thought I'd point it out. EDIT II: Just had a more in-depth comparison of the two versions of scrapyard.lua, the old one the mod is based off of and the newly updated one. It looks at surface level as if not too much has changed, just some Faction logic to differentiate Alliances from individual Players, and a new method that modifies chat messages based on whether or not you're in the Sector the message is being posted from i.e. it tells you the coords of the Sector if you're not in it, and else it's just the same message we already know from before the update. From looking at that, it feels like it shouldn't break your mod too much. But I don't know: maybe the Faction logic actually screws over whatever you are doing behind the scenes. Check it out.
  15. For the Dock Building part of this set of mods, there's now this. I agree wholeheartedly on the story-mod point you make. I'd love to get into some story modding at some point, myself. Putting your own stories in the framework of an already existing universe has something intensely satisfying, especially if other people can get to experience your stories, too. It's part why I loved Spore: Galactic Adventures so fracking much.
  16. Awesome, I've been navigating these mods forums for a couple of days now, and it's nice to see that work which has been on-going on this topic for months is culminating into one collaborative effort. That gives me a good feeling about the community-minded spirit of modders for this game. Good stuff!
  17. Something like this already exists: Bigger is Better. What does your mod do exactly? I believe BiB makes certain fields of asteroids larger, and also the objects within them. Does your mod resize only the asteroids themselves?
  18. Sweet! That sounds like an great way to let users define their own groups of ships! :D (Although I was also sort of enjoying the idea of rag-tag teams of randomly assembled Pirate craft - they are Pirates, of course, so their ships needn't be all from the same... erhem... patrons)
  19. I've been playing with this active for a couple of hours now, and I have a question: when I'm out-of-Sector, my ships at the Scrapyard still seem to be mining away: I'm still constantly collecting resources and guns and stuff, and when I return to the Scrapyard, lots of dead ships have been cleared away. How does this work? I thought Sectors weren't loaded while you weren't in them, yourself. I also have Fleet Control (0.4 - Modified) (thanks Hammel! You seem to be keeping all the dead mods alive (y) ) installed. Maybe that's introducing the change, rather than this mod? Whatever is causing it, I'm finding it very, very cool. There is only one problem though: you need to be at the Scrapyard to tell your "drones" to stop, as you cannot issue them commands while OoS (even with Fleet Control). I got a lot of angry messages from my most prized ally while I was in a mad dash through gates and hyperdrive warps trying to get there in time, and managed to literally on the last second before they'd destroy aaaalll of my baby ships to buy a new license. Hahaha that won't happen anytime soon, now, thanks to MoveUI's floating timer to keep me reminded. Man, all these mods are mega-cool. Thanks for all your work, guys and gals!
  20. Right! Which, for everyone's convenience, is right here. Thanks Hammel! A note to the OP: Hammel has enabled the creation of Shipyards with this mod, but I don't think anyone's added HQs yet, so you could base your HQ work off of the way Hammel and others added Shipyards in the most recent version I just linked.
  21. Hmm so just to clarify, what I mention in this post has been resolved using this mod, for the docking behaviour specifically? Is there an easy way to port this same collision checking over to craft assigned to Escort and/or Salvage operations? I've been running into silly problems with craft getting stuck running these Orders (as mentioned in the post I linked to). I tried quickly seeing how to edit the Escort scripts myself, but it seems that it's locked behind an API wall I can't access - or maybe I misunderstand how that works?
  22. Very interesting concepts, Feather. If you are OK with it, and not willing to update the mod yourself anymore, bzy-xyz, I'd be very much interested in getting something like what Feather suggests running using your mod as a basis.
  23. Cool. I'll probably mess around creating some Galactic Empires, yeah. Just as an aside: this doesn't allow you to create NPC-like Faction behaviour, or does it? It only adds two new buildings to the game (which is cool nonetheless)? P.S. The install dir in the OP mentions a pathname that's specific to your person computer, C_Corp2002. You'll probably want to edit that out. ;) EDIT: I can't download properly from the mega.nz folder you linked to, but the direct download link works. In the folder version, the file is forever "initialising" and has a "temporary error, retrying" message indefinitely. Not sure if that's something you can fix on your end, but something to look out for. EDIT II: Just checked out your script in a diff, and I'm wondering: what is this script based off of? It seems to remove the namespace from stationfounder.lua, which has a comment right above it that explicitly says not to remove the namespace or the script will break. There are other edits I'm not quite sure of either. Is the mod based off of an older version of stationfounder.lua? In that case, you may want to re-create it using an original stationfounder.lua from the most recent patch of the game.
  24. Wow, what with the lifetime licenses mod, this adds simple, yet clean and amazing functionality to the game I didn't even knew I missed, until I found this thread. Thanks a bunch for this! Also, looking at your mods/ folder structure and the mod hooks you're implementing by writing them into the original scripts files is giving me massive inspiration on how to actually handle the ModLoader / ModManager I'm working on in secret for my personal use, but plan to release once functional. Thanks a bunch for that!! EDIT: I added your installation instructions to the .zip file as a README.txt, for convenience when downloading. Literally just a copy-pasta of the first post's instructions, but here's the .zip file anyway. ScrapyardPlus-1.3.1-1a.zip
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