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Everything posted by Shrooblord

  1. What if this was a viable way of a conquest mechanic? What if every Faction had a certain threshold of attacks and aggression performed on them after which they capitulate in their entirety, or in parts, to the aggressor? That'd be pretty cool. Diplomacy of strength rather than diplomacy of words.
  2. Ah, fine. You can edit your post and remove the duplicate, if you wish. ;)
  3. I concur. Having a carrier with wings and a slim pillar-like design running along its main axis, extremities can help when trying to dock using the vanilla behaviour. But just you wait til my mod comes out. The Auto-Docking functionality is a doozy!
  4. Actually it's a good tip for both of us to get our hands on some vanilla files while keeping the game modded. Should've thought of it sooner. xD Not at all, not at all! I love people working together on something. I'm quite busy with my own mods and a mod manager, myself, so I gave up on this project for a bit until I had inspiration again to start hacking at it. More power to the community for picking up after my slacking ass! ;d Haven't I just! I love DiffChecker. It's so nice. Bar an actual git history, it's the best thing for comparing people's work efforts against vanilla files or other people's work. Top notch! Yes, and I'm very curious: what exactly did you change to get it to work? I would love to learn more about this (and I'm currently engaged in other projects as I mentioned before, so a little explanation would do wonders for my mind rather than having to dive into it myself and start researching it again - if you please). I'm specifically talking about this part of the problem: How did you get it to accept the item.uvalue changes? EDIT: Wait, is it the fact that you changed amount = amount + 1 to amount = amount? I wonder, how does this work and what does it break by doing this? The amount variable was being incremented for a reason, I assume? Now I'm even more curious as to how you fixed it. ;D
  5. Thanks for a simple mod with a neat little effect! A word of advice though: the blue font you used for your main post is hurtful to the eyes. I recommend changing it so people aren't turned away by it / can actually read what it says.
  6. As far as I know, this is how Out-of-Sector sales work in vanilla behaviour, too. I'm curious about this, because I noticed that Alliances exhibit the exact same behaviour: no log in the Economy chat, but a notification on the right-hand side of the screen of a change in resources. I would love, love, for the Economy chat to be properly updated for Alliances also, so if this issue for this mod gets resolved, I'm guessing we'll be a step closer to that bugfix, too.
  7. Sorry to completely gatecrash your topic; your bug sounds quite serious - but something about your posts intrigues me greatly. I can't help but notice the Sector name you're describing is the same as your username. Is this because you derived your username from your Sector name? Or did you somehow rename the Sector? If the latter, I am very much interested in how you did this. It's something I've been trying to take a crack at for a long time now.
  8. Haha sweet. Initially when I got some Cargo Shuttles, this is what I thought they were for. When they didn't work as expected, I looked at the documentation and found out they're meant for Stations only. Too bad! I would love to see this implemented in the game. Incidentally, I am currently making a mod that will auto-dock your ship (any size) to any Station (any size). I'm in the final stages of initial development: testing and bugfixing some issues that have been present for a while but haven't found a resolution yet. It will appear in the Mods subforum... soonTM.
  9. Dude, we get it. You want the Combat Update to come out. So does everyone else. Don't bump every single thread with the same message. It's not cool. ---- Currently you can build ships and even start an own Faction, and with some decent mods, you can set up something really quite sweet with a lot of flexibility and end-goals for late-game. However, I feel like certain simple things that would aid in Empire-building are missing. For instance: the ability to rename or appropriate Sectors. Now this is a change that shouldn't be too hard to implement, I don't think. It's not brand new sparkling functionality more than changing a property from read-only to writable, and storing the new data after a change. Big whoop. I'd love to also play the corporate conglomerate who buys out Sectors from other Factions. Being able to buy / sell entire Sectors (with the possibility of everything inside them) would be cool.
  10. xD You enjoy waiting? Well, sure, we can push the release date back another month for you. Currently my favourite part of Avorion is modding it, and playing together on a private multiplayer server with a friend. Alliances are cool!
  11. Yes, the game engine was written in C++ from the ground up. All the files with really interesting data (like Sector names and Galaxy save data) seem to be encrypted in some way or hidden away behind other "cryptowalls". Good luck modding! Out of interest, what assets are you trying to modify?
  12. Oh? Tomorrow? Exciting news! I can't wait. ;D
  13. Thanks for your efforts! You needn't, necessarily: rename your /data/ folder to /dataBKUP/ and run Steam Integrity Verification. You'll get a new /data/ folder with fresh vanilla files. Now rename that new folder to /dataVanilla/ and your /dataBKUP/ back to /data/. You now have both your modded files, as well as a nice store of vanilla files to plunder. ;)
  14. Lol signal so strong it induces fusion in the sensors. I love it. This sounds promising! I'll check it out. :) One question: main post has two attachments with identical names. Is this on purpose?
  15. Ooph, I don't think there's a callback in place already for something to trigger this automatically after loading, but you could manually set a timer and wait a certain amount of seconds after which you're confident everything that was gonna load, has loaded. I know that's not really what you asked for, but it may be a work-around you can use. local timer = 10 function getUpdateInterval() return 1 end function updateServer(timeStep) if local timer <= 0 then export() terminate() else timer = timer - 1 end end Something like that. Because of getUpdateInterval(), the code executes once every second. Then, whenever the code executes, we tick down a timer. Once the timer runs out, we perform the imaginary export() function (replace this with whatever code you want). Immediately afterwards, we call terminate() stopping the current and all future execution of this particular running script (it is removed from whatever object it was attached to, be that an Entity(), the Sector() or Server() - a new instance of the script can of course be added again later).
  16. BUG REPORT Turns out the Welcome Mail contents listen only to the contents as they are defined on the client-side. This is bad. Why? Because the client can say "hey put 7 million Avorion in the Welcome Mail" and the server won't be able to do anything against it. Lame. I will look into this and publish an updated version of the mod ASAP.
  17. I'm sorry to hear that! Could you tell me what version of Avorion you're running and exactly how you tried to install the mod?
  18. Well, note that this code is specifically for when the player uses the Interaction "Give me all your cargo!" I never found the code where it states how much a trader ship drops when blown up, and Wayleran's messages seem to suggest that he found out they always drop 50% of their cargo, no matter what you do.
  19. Yup, totally. I wouldn't hard-code what is now in-code called amount, though. You could still keep the abstraction of using the variable amount, but do some Math to it. For example, replace amount with amount/2 to only process half the amount of cargo. Alternatively, if you modify the 2 in that for loop, you'll make it skip more items of cargo than currently. Basically, the for loop can be read as follows: start the loop at index 1; keep looping until the index equals the value of amount (say 500 for 500 cargo currently being carried); after each iteration of the loop, increase the index by 2. So basically, if you would change 2 into 3, it will process (i.e. drop, in this case) every third item of cargo.
  20. Hahaha you and me both, buddy! ;) No, but really - I fly a heavy ship and it feels pretty "proper" for it to take a long time to brake. I like it, and I've gotten used to flying around like that. The emergency "turn and boost" method you describe is always available just in case... However, if you want to improve your braking thrust, check Build Mode and the Ship properties in the Ship Menu (press P). Experiment with which blocks increase the Brake Thrust significantly, and which lower it. My tips are Directional Thrusters (the ones that only point in one way) and pointing them towards the nose of the ship. They work wonders for your braking thrust. If they're not doing the job, consider making them larger in one dimension. I can't tell you which because every ship design is vastly different. I'm also a big fan of Inertial Dampeners. They're only available in the Iron material (and, later on, in another, but ... spoilers), and I think they work pretty well. There are lots of people out here in the community who vote against them though, considering their large mass impact and energy consumption. According to them, Directional Thrusters should be enough to get you the braking speed you need! Lastly, if your ship's mass is high, your braking thrust will go down. To compensate, build Directional Thrusters. But the higher the mass, the more (powerful) DTs you're going to have to install in order to get the braking thrust you're comfortable with. Yes and yes! A fleet is easily done: go to any Shipyard and order the creation of a craft. Check the checkbox that asks for Crew and Captain. This will give you a Captained craft. You can interact with it with F and give it Commands, like Mine or Salvage (it will need the appropriate Turrets installed in order to do this). Congratulations! You have started your first venture into fleets in Avorion. :) Beware, though. The ship AI is a little... well it's got a sense of humour, let's keep it at that. To create your own Faction, you can start an Alliance. It's the right-most tab of the Player Menu (press I). An Alliance is, for all intents and purposes, considered a Faction by the game. Yes Yes absolutely sure thing - select Station Founder when you order a ship at a Shipyard. Stations costs a lot though. Many, many millions of Credits. Good luck! Sure, whenever you go to an uncontrolled Sector and plant some Stations down, it will be considered controlled by you or your Faction/Alliance. Yuhhh well sort of. You, the player, can totally invade other Sectors and attack them. But Factions won't retaliate in the same way they attack each other in Faction Wars. They'll send Headhunters on your tail to try and kill you, but will never counter-attack with those massive invasion forces you can witness them using against other Factions they despise. The original game's balance tips heavily in favour of players. Enemies crumble under your might, and they always will. There are some mods out there on this forum that aim to fix that. I strongly suggest you check out Wayleran's Galaxy Mods. They're awesome.
  21. If a mechanic like this would be implemented, an obvious way to balance it would be to not have Shipyards own infinite materials of every type. They'd have a stock, like a Resource Depot - but they would probably have a little more stock than a RD considering they're constantly building ships (in theory - in practice right now, they do nothing much until a player moseys on by). Material inventory could also depend on the region in the galaxy and the current state of that Faction's economy. Honestly I like the idea. And there are plenty of ways to balance it to make it not broken to the core.
  22. Hi, necromenta! Welcome to the forum. :) I mostly agree with your first two points. The game doesn't teach you a lot going in, but in my experience, that was fun. Diving right in, exploring what to do and what can be done, and slowly figuring out by finding newer and richer materials like Trinium that, hey, the longer you play, the more interesting and cool stuff you unlock. But I'm an explorer. I like that playstyle. As for mining/salvaging, I can agree it gets really bothersome if you've been playing a while and you're not really getting anywhere with your efforts. My tip: get a ship built at a Shipyard with a Captain. It doesn't even have to be remotely strong: a petty 200 hull ship will do fine for this purpose: use the Captained ship to help you do boring and repetitive stuff you don't feel like doing, like Mining and Salvaging. Although Salvaging is good for getting a lot of materials really quickly, Mining is a lot better at getting a steady supply of materials consistently. I generally have somewhere between 1-3 Captained ships mining, and no-one Salvaging in the early game. I've gone off Salvaging wrecks myself, as I learned that the reward vs. the time input into it was starting to piss me off (read: it wasn't worth it for me personally). Instead, I do other stuff, like explore and trade with Factions, picking up Delivery missions mostly for Gold and Platinum, as they pay a nice 50k Credits a pop. This helps me get a start-up capital. And while exploring, if you find a decent Reactivateable Wreckage, you're in business: find one of these, reactivate it, and immediately sell it for all its materials by deleting every block it has in Build Mode. They're the real gold mines, in my opinion. Actually, no, not necessarily. If the new people and the two existing devs don't work together well, they don't get along, or don't share the vision of and passion for the project, hiring new people might very well be detrimental to productivity, and could even slow things down. Certainly, if everyone gets along and teamwork is great, then more people means more or better progress. However, more people does not automatically mean a more quickly produced game! If you want to help with translations, especially as someone who would be checking translations provided by other users, you can send the dev team an e-mail. They may just take you on-board as a Validator, and you could help provide and check provided translations, helping the translation project for Spanish (as I understand you would want to help with) along. :) I've been accepted as a Validator for Dutch and I'm working together with DeathTech to provide and check some neat translations. Which reminds me: another day of translating tomorrow. Yup, I agree. There is a roadmap on the wiki, but to me it's not entirely clear which of these many features will be prioritised over others, and which are "would be nice but will probably not be worked on for a while"-type of features. I'd like some more clarity on that front, too. I admire your determination to get better at English by writing without a translation aid. That's how you'll train yourself to improve! Good for you. ;D
  23. Ah, yes, physically pushing objects is a bit wonky in this game. Turns out the code that safeguards against teleglitching/telefragging accidentally gets a bit sensitive about the fact that two Entities are sharing a location in space juuuust a little too close together. It takes over and puts either you or the asteroid a safe couple of meters out of both of your bounding boxes. Kinda sad - I'd like to be able to create a ship with dozer blade-like appendages and use it to push large things out of the way and clear some space in a dense asteroid field. Imagine building a tunnel of asteroids towards your Station's docking port, the Station itself encased in a thick shell of rocks. Now that's got some flavourful design right there.
  24. Aw, nice. I didn't even know there was a 25k cap, but being able to adjust it either up or down, both globally and on a case-by-case basis, sounds like a great addition to existing functionality. Thanks!
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