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  1. Thanks for the reply and many many thanks for the link to the other mod. I guess thats a good point on learning how it works :D The strange thing on my side regarding the debug log is that the ' Key just does not trigger it or Im blind... Is there any other way like a start parameter for the game to force it? I will have a look at the mod scripts and try my luck. In case im blocked I will come back here or try the mentioned discords
  2. Hello Everybody, I would like to create a mode that works a little bit like the autopilot from the X Games. My plan would be to use it to auto dock the player to a given station. So you dont need to fly on your own :) I tried to somehow get all points together about where and what but to be honest im kind of lost. For my first test I added a new script under scripts\commands that should work like this /flyto x y z According to the documentation in the gamefolder I dont see a way to do this, Im quite sure I somehow missed a point. What I have so far is this: package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" function execute(sender, commandName, ...) local args = {...} --empty array for cords local cords = {} for i, v in pairs(args) do print(i) print("--") print(v) Server():broadcastChatMessage("TEST", 0, v) cords[i] = v --add cord to array end local p = Player() Server():broadcastChatMessage("TEST", 0, Player().Name) return 0, "", "" end function getDescription() return "Fly to given x y z cordinate and stops" end function getHelp() return "Fly to given x y z cordinate and stops Usage: /flyto x y z" end Please dont laugh, I cant find a way to activate the debug console... How do I do this? Why do i see the first output in the chat but not the player name?
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