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Everything posted by BraveRaccoon

  1. Now in the Avorion have entered torpedoes, which while you can only buy, It would be nice to produce them directly on the ship, we even have an assembly block. But, to give so much power to one block is not realistic, is not it?. Maybe it's worth it to make the collector initially useless?. And in order for the production of fighter and / or torpedo to appear, two systems should be introduced: the "fighter conveyor" and the "torpedo conveyor". In which from rarity there will be all sorts of modifiers, for example, production speed buffs, reduced expenses and so on. As my friend said: "Premises are at least now, but you still need to find or buy machines". Also, such the system has many development opportunities: different "goods conveyers"; "disassembling conveyors", which dismantle the turrets back to the goods; even more so, the conveyers of turrets, "bolter conveyer" for example (But you need blueprint, goods, materials and waiting time of corse) I think this will be a joyful addition to the game. And I apologise for my language.
  2. In Avorion there are only single turrets that look very small and weak, especially in the last stages of the game, when there are more than 10 systems in your flagship. 8) 8) The essence of my proposal is to add to the game full-size multi-barrel gun turrets and batteries: to enter an artillery factory, where you can collect in the editor a drawing of the future tower. Construct the desired number of towers, combining them with the corresponding turret guns turrets. I think this would diversify the gameplay and allow creating amazing ships I apologize for my Russian English ::) ::)
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