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  1. I like your ideas. Maybe we can implement passiv and active radars. I can imagine to have avionic blocks that grant avionic slots. We could also add radar blocks, that are based on surface area instead of volume and need clearance like the hangars to work. We can add many things if we have more blocks, we need more blocks... ;-)
  2. Hi, after i've been at the center and killed the boss, i thought there musst be something else to do. I reached out for the outer sektors next. I'm a little bit dissapointed that after progressing through the game the outer sectors are senseless. I think the concept that the factions that are closer to the center are more powerfull makes no sense. Not in a realistic and a gameplay point of view. I would like to see a progress that enables the player to make choices not restricts him to upgrade to the next tier. A solution could be to give each faction some unique abilities. This could be special modules, weapons, blocks, etc.. The danger from the intruders is everywhere. I want to see factions making alliances to fight the greater enemy. Factions from the outer sectors could send fleets to fight in/near the center. Of course there have to be more and less advanced factions and the player should start at a lower level, but give the player a reason to come back. Maybe give him a homeplanet and generate events, where the player has the oportunity to help his home. And by the way give the factions a face. I mean there are most likely different races out there. Give them some pictures besides the text messages that shows them and give them a banner.
  3. These solution sounds simple and effective... i'm impressed (no joke)! 8) ;-) Hope a dev is reading this.
  4. Hi, i'm new to this game and played it for maybe two weeks so far. I like the concept of being able to build your very own starship. Today i want to share with you my suggestion regarding to weapon slots. 1. At the moment the weapon size is dependend on the tech level. If we make it independend from that and instead enable an option to make weapons of different sizes at the weapons factories, we would enable to make low tier big ships and high tier small ships with a reasonable weapon size for the ship size. Additionally we need to increase the size range, so that we can make really hugh guns. 2. Add an option to choose between turret and fixed weapons. Fixed weapons would be smaller and need maybe one gunner less. Fixed weapons can mounted with a given rotation to enable broadside builds. I would suggest to make us able to rotate them in 45 degree steps. The turret rotation lock block can be removed (existing blocks would be changed to standard hull blocks). 3a. Weapons now need different amounts of slots dependend on their size. A size 3 weapon needs 3 slots and so on. The number of slots per volume has to be changed to fit the new system. Maybe make the slot number dependend on health or weight or a mix of all three. OR 3b. Instead of having weapon slots like in 3a, weapons could be mounted just as they fit on the ship. To prevent abuse we would need a system that benefits less weapons over to much. All weapons that would have a recoil (cannons, bolters, railguns, etc.) would need a certain amount of integrity to prevent the hull from deforming under the stress. We could give each block a strength equal to the hp (including integriety blocks). If all the weapons that are mounted on a single block and fire at the same exceed with their force the integrity of the block, than the exceeding force is added as damage to the block, these could in extreme circumstances result in the destruction of the block. Additional the weapons force is added to the ships momentum, therefore a lighter ship has more problems. Energy weapons could be balanced with their energy drain and overheat as usual. Remove the energy drain increase over time and increase the general energy drain dramaticly. 4. All turrets can get ordered to fire independend or grouped in firing groups that fire independend. You can order these individuals or groups to fire on fighters and/or incoming missles automaticly. 5. Balancing Big weapons vs small weapons pro big weapons: - potential of penetration dependend on target block HP - pinpoint damage - energy weapons have a higher range pro small weapons: - higher rate of fire (good vs fighters) - turrets turn faster - lower recoil - energy weapons are more efficient damage/energy consumption - can be placed all over the ship to reduce stress on single blocks What's your thoughts? I think these would be easy changes that provide more varaity.
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