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Everything posted by Tempo

  1. that would be awesome, but i assume the devs will fix it eventually, for now, i think it's best for people to search a max of 20 sectors and just cheat money in on the average price of the goods you bought. Spending forever waiting for the hyperspace cooldown isn't fun.
  2. So i bought a whole bunch of them for a cheap price, but i can't find a single vendor that buys them, checked around 50 high(EQ, shipyard, HQ, trade post etc) sectors. I would have dumped them by now if it wasn't for the fact that i spent 500mil on them. So can anyone testify that it's a merchandise that is sellable? Edit: NVM after searching 30 more sectors i've concluded that for all intents and purposes, mining robots is not a trade-able merchandise.
  3. Same problem, the game was working fine for many hours, but when i went on the exodus trail with my naonite ship(sooo many jumps btw) the same issue as you happens, the first time it happened i read that you can find your ship again and claim it at the sector the crash occurred, if you can't remember what sector it was then go to the sector folder; \AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\(name of galaxy)\sectors And then list it by date created, locate the last sector before crash. But the crash happened more and more often as i continued the path of the exodus, now i can't get to my ship before crashing(3min). So am giving up until this has been resolved. Things of note; The crash happens at arrival of the sector, but you don't realize it straight away, around maybe 1min the client will notice the server has crashed, you will notice it sooner if you try to jump to another sector. I believe the crash might be tied to an event handler, as i recall, upon returning to claim a ship, there has been pirates or something waiting that was not there before. Am not an expert on this matter, but i cannot find any crash logs, nor does the server log get created for the sessions that crashes, this is something i think the devs should look into for reasons of troubleshooting and bug reporting.
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