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  1. I just wanted to leave a comment about the mining aspect in the game. I find if you just mine your self then yeah your gonna feel like its grindy. However there is a couple ways to make it feel not even grindy. Make mining ships controlled by AI. is one way. Another way is to not even mine , just sell goods and buy resources. Or there is a mine Mod that also helps with this system. But its just how you play the game that makes it feel grindy.
  2. your best bet is to look at SectorGenerator.lua
  3. So i fixed it for you guys --- If you did not drag and drop the mod into Avorion and you injected it instead. You probably will not need to do this. Anyway open SectorGenerator.lua (Mod Version) find the code local wormhole = desc.cpwormhole Change it to local wormhole = desc:getComponent(ComponentType.WormHole) There now the wormholes are back!
  4. found a game breaking bug - warp gates no longer spawn with this mod
  5. Ok i just updated the Lazer beam in game - not sure if u guys will like it but -i think you might! Also guys if you have tried the mod, please give me some feedback cause im working towards a full conversion of them game into a mod, but i wanna see what people are looking for. Thanks guys!
  6. Update - might change the Background and fog pics - not sure if they are too much so test run it guys and tell me what u think.
  7. updated again - ill update the screenshot shortly
  8. Already doing a update - the icons are too dark in certain sectors.
  9. I maybe wrong here, but looks like your done with this mod ? Anyway i found some game breaking issues i had to adjust to keep the game from being too easy. However this idea is awesome and i will be using what you have here and modifying it. I will of course give you credit... Thanks brother for the awesome work here. things i had changed so far really quickly is... How often they appear to less likely, and how much they cost. Also how many resources you receive down to 10. Reason being is Yes thats not a lot but once u bought enough... Its enough!
  10. Ok so there will be a lot of updates as i do my changes. Most likely a better description as well. But any way this is for like the icon u see for buildings and what not with a much better Mission icon and military icon. There is more then that of course but those are the ones that really needed a change. So go to folder; ...Avorion\data\textures\icons\pixel and drop all the icons in the zip into that folder and replace. Backup if you want to... but im pretty sure u wont! Leave a comment tell me what you think. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmo5cib95gm0umz/Icons.v1.3.zip?dl=0">DOWNLOAD HERE</a> Rockets are for your missions! Changed the thrusters to a new image - still working on it as well. to install go to folder; ...Avorion\data\textures drop all images inside that folder and replace.. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/2t8a2tcf6qpnoqm/Graphics.V1.2.zip?dl=0">DOWNLOAD HERE</a> ok Did some more changes with fog and background images. Might change what i have but let me know if the one Fog is too much. it makes it hard to see when its around but. check it out and let me know. to install go to folder; ...Avorion\data\textures drop all images inside that folder and replace.. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qhcwaltfugkt4k/BG.v1.2.zip?dl=0">DOWNLOAD HERE</a>
  11. So, i did a random resource astroid drop. Ill need to do a little configuration later. But really simple. No download needed. find the file - ..\Avorion\data\scripts\lib\SectorGenerator.lua find the code as follows; function SectorGenerator:getAsteroidType() local probabilities = Balancing_GetMaterialProbability(self.coordX, self.coordY) return Material(getValueFromDistribution(probabilities)) end and replace the code with this function SectorGenerator:getAsteroidType() local probabilities = Balancing_GetMaterialProbability(math.random(-500,500), math.random(-500,500)) return Material(getValueFromDistribution(probabilities)) end Dont know if anyone else has done tis but it allows you to have random resources anyplace in the galaxy.
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