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  1. So I have been interested is the idea of mining the asteroids for years. In space, most rocky bodies have a mixture of elements. Would it be interesting if while mining, you got a lot of the main element, Iron for example, and you would have a chance to get a small smattering of the other elements, except avorion. I think this would encourage people to mine as a business in all zones around the galaxy, instead making a mad dash for the core right away. Feedback is welcome.
  2. Hello. I have been playing Avorion for a few days and learning a lot. I have an idea to fix a problem I had. When hiring new crew, is it possible to check if my ship has the crew quarters to fit the number of crew I want to buy, if not, then prompt stating that I need more crew quarters and then, cancel the purchase. Just an idea. It sucks buying crew and then watch as my money vanishes along with the crew. My fault I know.
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