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  1. This works great, I was a bit intimidated by the instructions at first but they turned out to be super easy. I never realized how fast my ships could die until I took the mission from a military base to kill the destroyer, I got wrecked in <5 seconds of initial combat. 10/10 would do again. Something to consider though is I killed the “something2” iron nugget and I got an abortion repair turret both times. I was like 10 sectors on the outside of the ring. I used the /summon command to get that.
  2. Would it be possible to create an if statement to check whether of not a player ship is present in the requested teleport sector? Example would be, check if player requesting teleport has a ship present in the sector they are teleporting to. Something like this; if yes, teleport, if no, "No ship present cannot teleport." My idea is that you can use this resource to teleport to ships in your fleet to help manage them better but not used to teleport to places without a ship present. Found a mining zone? Exit your ship from Drone, teleport to miner, teleport back to ship in the new zone you found. Get back in your ship and continue searching.
  3. This works great, very easy to do as well!
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