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Everything posted by madex

  1. mumble.net-freaks.com Enjoy. Oh and it's recently been updated.
  2. How does steam networking work if you don't me asking
  3. I have a dedicated server, just need to know where my saves are in Linux... I installed using steamCMD and created a steam account however i'm using root for running the game.
  4. Is there a way to save a spawn location, or would a station help ?
  5. You will be unable to go out and come back on yourself (routing via ISP). Glad its sorted.
  6. Bump - now 40 players. 100/100 up and down speed dedicated.
  7. Where can I store ships safely? I'm hosting a server too.
  8. URL - mumble.net-freaks.com Friendly please. Mumble access granted if you are not aggressive.
  9. thats cool understand now, however, safe places to store ships?!
  10. I went for a toilet break, crew had all gone!! Any ideas on how to pilot ship properly back to a station and buy more crew?
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