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Everything posted by Hornet108

  1. Hornet108

    Twitchy Ships

    Hi Guys Im not 100% sure if I can meaningfully have reproduction steps, but I have noticed as time goes on in my little SP universe, the AI ships are starting to display what can only be described as desync lag, but im playing singleplayer. Basically, they start turning, over-turn (turn past where they were trying to get to, significantly), but then teleport to the right heading and a few meters along the vector they were supposed to be traveling. This continues all the way to where they were supposed to go. I have started a new game (which has absolutely killed my emotional investment in the game) and its not doing it, its unique to my save, but I have a suspicion that if I poured another 45 hours into this new save then I would start to see similar behavior. Is this a known issue?
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