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Posts posted by Ivanes

  1. Hi.


    First off, thanks for a great mod :).


    I have stumbled upon a small bug with version 1.1.0. If there is a problem with the mod that is being loaded, then it just writes "failed to locate script at %path".


    To reproduce, add the CarrierCommand mod and check the aggressiveCommand.lua file, line 222. If it looks like

    elseif entity.isStation and then priority = cc.Config.basePriorities.station

    then the load will fail. ShipScriptLoader version 1.0.0 does show an error message at line 222 but version 1.1.0 states it cannot locate the script.


    Deleting the unneeded AND and the mod loads just fine in both version 1.1.0 and 1.0.0.


    I hope it is an easy fix to get a good error message and keep up the good work  :)



    All I get is "Failed to locate script: mods/CarrierCommander/scripts/entity/CarrierCommander.lua"




    I have had the exact same issue and been struggeling to solve it for a few days now. In the carrier commend aggressiveCommand.lua line 222 there is an extra AND. Delete that and the mod works.


    The way I found this problem, was by installing script loader 1.0.0, which does not have code to handle missing scripts. That shows a problem with line 222. I will write my findings in the ShipScriptLoader thread aswell.

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