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  1. Nice. But unfortunately, there has been no word from the person working on it since Nov 2017 and there is no download link.
  2. Actually using workshop ships or creating some from scratch and having the game use them for each faction was what I had in mind.
  3. Is there a way to mod the appearance of NPC ships? i am really growing tired of fighting sticks and various other dull things.
  4. Perplexing. Still not working. Does it require a clean start? (Cant see why it would) Does the game require me to do anything specific to enable mods in the mod folder? I noticed that the mod folder didnt exist and i had to create one.
  5. Does this need to be on both client and server or will just server side work? Completely new to modding this game. I installed the files in the specified directory on my dedicated server. Added the lines to the bottom of the lua files after the last end statements. But i am not getting the option button on screen for the mod. I am also running beta branch.
  6. Im new to the forum so bare with me. But, where is the download link for this mod? Thanks. EDIT: Nevermind! :-)
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