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  1. Midas67

    [Help] Scripting

    Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it. I managed to fix the problem. The problem was the key by which I was supposed search, it should have been the warhead type not the name so a ez quick fix has been done. It's woking all fine a custom torpedo spawner. ;) If anyone is interested pm me, I will send you the Lua file
  2. Midas67

    [Help] Scripting

    Greetings guys, I would like to ask you a question about scripting in avorion, as I am bit new to Lua I am having trouble getting a simple value from table. I'm trying to get a warhead & body by name. Table(C&P from TorpedoGenerator): local Warheads = {} table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Nuclear, name = "Nuclear"%_T, hull = 1, shield = 1, size = 1.0, color = ColorRGB(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Neutron, name = "Neutron"%_T, hull = 3, shield = 1, size = 1.0, color = ColorRGB(0.8, 0.8, 0.3)}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Fusion, name = "Fusion"%_T, hull = 1, shield = 3, size = 1.0, color = ColorRGB(1.0, 0.4, 0.1)}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Tandem, name = "Tandem"%_T, hull = 2.0, shield = 2.0, size = 1.5, color = ColorRGB(0.8, 0.2, 0.2), shieldAndHullDamage = true}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Kinetic, name = "Kinetic"%_T, hull = 2.5, shield = 0.25, size = 1.5, color = ColorRGB(0.7, 0.3, 0.7), damageVelocityFactor = true}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Ion, name = "Ion"%_T, hull = 0.25, shield = 3, size = 2.0, color = ColorRGB(0.2, 0.7, 1.0), energyDrain = true}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Plasma, name = "Plasma"%_T, hull = 1, shield = 5, size = 2.0, color = ColorRGB(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.Sabot, name = "Sabot"%_T, hull = 3, shield = 0, size = 3.0, color = ColorRGB(1.0, 0.1, 0.5), penetrateShields = true}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.EMP, name = "EMP"%_T, hull = 0, shield = 0.025, size = 3.0, color = ColorRGB(0.3, 0.3, 0.9), deactivateShields = true}) table.insert(Warheads, {type = WarheadType.AntiMatter, name = "Anti-Matter"%_T, hull = 8, shield = 6, size = 5.0, color = ColorRGB(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), storageEnergyDrain = 50000000}) The way I'm trying to get a value from this table: function addTorpedoes(faction, warhead, body, rarity, tech, amount, velocity, reach, shielddmg, hulldmg) warhead = Warheads[warhead] if warhead then body = Bodies[body] if body then rarity = getRarity(rarity or 0) if rarity then local tech = math.max(1, tonumber(tech) or 6) local dps = Balancing_TechWeaponDPS(tech) local torpedo = TorpedoTemplate(tech, rarity) It always return false with a implemented debug message that no such warhead was found, and the same thing happens with body. Any help is appreciated.
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