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Everything posted by shulrak

  1. Hey Guys sorry but I put aside the game since then, was waiting for a few patches before coming. I guess the mod is out of date now and probably is not working with new features. I'll update it some day when I play again but not for now sorry ! If anyone wants to update it feel free to do it https://github.com/shulrak/avorion_sector_overview
  2. Yeah I thought about adding some kind of search for stations. I'll think about it. I've moved on another project so I don't have much free time.
  3. Yes I moved to different sectors, changed ships, created a new ship, etc. I tried a little bit of everything trying to see if I could do anything to activate it somehow but did not succeed. Any fixes/suggestions would be awesome! This is really weird. Alright then follow this steps : - Launch Avorion, open the Sector Overview, then quit avorion - Go to you %APPDATA%/Avorion folder ( C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Avorion ) - You will see a few files beginning with "clientlog" and some dates - Get the latest one (you can sort by latest modified) and attach it here Maybe my script crashed half way through.
  4. Are you sure you are in a sector with stations/gates ? If yes, I'll look into it this evening I maybe broke something :D @Kane this the best reward I could have hoped for !
  5. Update ! I've added a new tab. It is a list of players and you can pin point players on the galaxy map ! https://puu.sh/u1VwL/4b321f6f8e.png Currently the list is not persistenent (you need to add them again if you disconnect) You can add any player of the server, so it might not be good for PvP server for now. I'll add some kind of grouping later. Hope you'll like it !
  6. Hey, I've been playing around a lot with those : Server():getOnlinePlayers() Server():getPlayers() Galaxy():getPlayerNames() Etc... I recall there was some weird behaviour on some of them or it was just not working. Currently at work, I'll let you know this evening which one I am using and how.
  7. Hey I've added the gates. :) You'll see a new tab with it. Sorry for the delay, I try to test it as much as I can to check if it doesn't crash anything.
  8. I actually decided to get avorion from your let's play so I am glad your are trying out my mod :) Yeah I had issue where the server wouldn't launch because the script was on a ship but couldn't be found because I had it removed. I don't really like it neither, I would like to setup the scripts to only on players, but need to figure out how. Did you try to add the small script from Tarantel ? it solve the problem of founding a new ship and you just need to go to a new sector.
  9. @Tarantel Thank you very much ! I tried and it works. I'll incorporate on the main thread.
  10. Sorry, I'll add more easier explanation in the main topic If you play solo, you don't have to worry about it, just copy/paste into the directories. If you play multiplayer on a dedicated server, you'll need to have thoses files on the server. If you don't see the button, it's maybe because your are in a drone or you didn't create a new ship. Please let me know if it's the issue, else we'll need to investigate together ;)
  11. I am sorry if i have offended you, that wasn't my intention. I am glad you found what you needed.
  12. Sure, I forgot about those. :) I think I'll add them as soon as possible, I know they are annoying to find.
  13. Sector Overview This mod is probably out of date, I might update it when I come back to the game in the future This is Work In Progress. Please read the known issues before trying it. I am looking for advice on how to make it better to fix the known issues. Description : This mod will give you a menu with the list of station around you. It is showing the type of the station and the name next to it. When you click on one of the entry it will target it. I mainly created this mod because I needed a way to quickly find entities around me. (Like in X3) New : You can also have a list of players and pin point them on the galaxy map. (the list is not persistent for the moment) For now you can add any player (not good for PvP servers). I will add some kind of grouping soon. screenshot : https://puu.sh/tSZhA/cfd3866d2e.png https://puu.sh/u1VwL/4b321f6f8e.png Installation : For the near future : - Add more entities (gates, ships, asteroid, players around) in new tabs and be able to sort them. - Add a grouping system to see you friends quickly on the galaxy map when you click on them. (this will be a work around until the alliance update) - The text formatting could be better. For the far future : - Get rid of the window and have an HUD like feeling - Add keybinding to cycle through the lists/categories Known Issue : - This script is attached to a ship. So in order to have the icon on the top right, you need to create a new ship. Fixed in 0.3 You'll have the icon when you move to a new sector. - Since the script is attached to a ship, if you remove the script while a ship has the script, the server won't start because it can't find the script. If you want to remove you'll need to keep the file but empty the content. Version History : 0.3 Add players on Galaxy map 0.2 Add Gates list 0.1 Initial release with station list
  14. I couldn't find anything in the documentation nor in the existing code. Maybe it is just not exposed yet.
  15. Please check the documentation in Avorion/Documentation. You have the Sector object that have several method : getEntities getEntitiesByType getEntitiesByComponent getEntitiesByFaction getEntitiesByComponents getEntitiesByLocation You can then search those in the actual code and try to understand how each one works.
  16. Hey I am working on a sector overview mod that will show all the entities in the current sector and when you click on it it will target it. There will be several tab by type (stations, enemies, players etc) So you can find your friends easier in a way. This isn't the perfect solution you want but it may be a work around to find your friends in the same sector for the time being. I can also dig in if we can at least have a list of friendly player and you can see their coordinate and might be easier to find them on the galaxy map. I'll keep you posted on what I find
  17. I am embarrassed to not have found this. I think I was just looking to something like "target" and I miss this. Thanks a lot Aki ! I can finish my mod now :)
  18. Thanks for the reply. Yeah I was looking for making a sector overview with the list of entity near you and when you click on one of them it will target it. So the Entity: ShipAI():setAttack(Entity) doesn' t work unfortunately. Can you maybe create the thread and ask to be pinned ? :)
  19. Up It could be a good idea to have a general thread for modding questions or a sub category. And the mod category only for release/wip mods
  20. Hello, I am looking for a way to change the player's current target to an Entity. Like when pressing tab or the middle button. Couldn' t find anything in the code nor in the documentation. (was mostly searching for the "target" keyword) EDIT : Also, is there a way to reload a script without quitting the game and rejoining it ? Thanks
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