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Everything posted by kansei

  1. The game has implemented mining stations and commercial stations for the different factions can these be sub grouped into businesses. The businesses can then have goals, which will help drive the AI into making unique decisions making the game feel more diverse. Which overall will help drive the economy and liven it up a bit because it feels stagnant and boring. When I go to mine I do so for better materials to build a better ship but making AI businesses can create demand for mining and if the AI is built to deliver this demand automatically via in-game mechanics such as business AI creating new businesses to deliver this or out sourcing, the player could also create their own business. Then create a stock exchange so that I can own a big business empire. I thought I would put it out there, I would try scripting this, but I don’t know what the scripting language is, and I don’t think the scripting the game provides would allow me to try and implement this. I thought this would just provide a lot of flexibility to the game and adding things on such as DLC. I keep editing this post :), note this is just an idea for improving the AI because i think the system is far too simple and needs work just basically adding more decision making to the AI so more options. Which can also be given to the player. Oh, add some machine learning for some fun since I’m studying AI algorithms you can never have too much machine learning ;) Options I suggest being given to the AI: - buying materials from other businesses - arranging transport - hiring security AI ships or player/s - setting up new stations or mining operations, the businesses would have to have their own funds obviously. - making mining ships to get materials to build products which can then be sold Since demand is needed for this whole economy thing to work add in some more habitat stations like the casino's and civilian transport ships. the AI should then be programmed to spot the demand and make the appropriate decisions to meet demand if its within its ability say funds or a matter of distance. (Another edit i swear this will be my last one tonight) this demand spotting for the AI would be a goal type and then should work for spotting demand for components or materials like a drop going from the top of the tree to the bottom.(for some reason i feel the need to explain this) (Ok not the last edit) the demand for example are the missions players can take from stations make it so the AI can take the missions too.
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