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Everything posted by Maxx4u

  1. Like i see, the mod does not work with the beta branch he try do use the "old" docking mechanism. he dont use docking stages.
  2. Since last Patch, if your Ship or Station have not enough Crew, it is not possible to get crew on it. Your Crew instant leave the Ship/Station
  3. We have much problems with this mod on our server. if 2 people from 1 alliance in the same sector and uses the fighter, the server spams error messages. I think it is better to rewrite the mod to use the hangar api, and not ask for all fighter in the sector.
  4. Hallo, since around 2-3 Days, we become several times this error on dedicated server. Received signal SIGSEGV Received signal SIGSEGV addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/Chaos_01_Server 0xcec21f 2>&1 p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): Error cleaning up lua::WorkerPool: shutdown() not called! Received signal SIGABRT p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket p2ptransportchannel.cc(868): worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current() @ OnReadPacket Received signal SIGSEGV
  5. Possible to add a Mining Button? I know, you cants have mining and salvage at the same time, but if i give salvage ships in, and the mining out, i can go mine, or? Would you implement them like you captains mod?
  6. Thank you very much. Both Shipd are really nice. i will look for the resources and post the mats then here. Version X: Credits: 44.000.178 Iron: 2.279.847 Trinium: 2.984.513 Avorion: 1.089.854 Version XII: Credits: 6.141.918 Iron: 283.176 Trinium: 376.907 Avorion: 177.405
  7. Hi, can you share this ship please? And also tell the need of materials and credits? Thanks.
  8. Hallo, Bad Englisch: i have 2 Questions for beginning. 1.) Is it possible to read out the Hangar from Ships? I found only the hasComponent from Entity. But not, how many and the index of them 2.) Is it possible to autoStart a Clientscript without onPlayerLogIn in Server.lua? Start from the Client. Thanks. Deutsch: Ich hätte für den Anfang mal 2 Fragen. 1.) Ist es möglich, die Anzahl der Hangar auf einem Schiff auszulesen? Ich habe die hasComponent von Entity gefunden. Aber diese Function sagt nix über die Anzahl oder dem Index der Hangars aus. 2.) Ist es möglich ein Script Client seitig zu starten, ohne die Serverseitige server.lua zu verwenden? Danke lg Maxx4u
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