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Rifts and large ships


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In mid-late game there are issues with rifts. When your ship gets to a certain size, you can't use gates, that are passage ways through them. And your jump drive doesn't allow you to pass rifts and you are forced to find the long routes across.




This discourages to build large or long ships. I'm fine of not having the ability to use gates (Similar to X3 series), but I'm not fine of limiting myself to routes I can use to move around.


I understand, that players should not be able to pass through the rift that surrounds the center since it's the part of the main story, but there should be a way to navigate with large ships across the "normal" rifts. Yes you can get occasional Wormhole, that can get you bypass some of them, but usually Wormholes are long range and move you across the galaxy and not medium to short distances.


Suggestion for a solution: Craftable Navigational Beacons or station specific module, that can be placed and if they are in your jump range distance even across rifts, you can jump to them. They can be of Xanion+ material, that way not accessible in early game.

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