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Various Ideas



Heya, I'm here with a few suggestions for HUD and GUI's and more


Let me start of with the HUD


If image doesnt show up http://prntscr.com/e4hixl


1: The velocity meter, is it possible to put the speed in numbers in the middle?

---- This way we dont have to select our ship to see the speed in the lower right, thus always visable

2: No improvement needed so far

3: Hyperjump meter, is it possible to add a timer that says how much time is left before charged

---- This way we dont get the error that shows up how long it will take before the hyperdrive is ready

4: The energy usage gauge, again is it possible to to add numbers?

5: Energy storage. I will keep it short; Numbers

6: Amount of shield; Numbers!

7: Hitpoints; NUMBERS!

(Make 1 to 7 optional in options menu under gameplay?)

8: Could this be made collapsible? as to hide how much metals you have? dont hide the money and sector tho.

---- Also maybe place the whole menu a little bit more to the center, so you can see the radar icons (boxes on the edge of the screen) a little bit more clearer.

(place all the hud info away from the edge so you can see the radar boxes)

9: Get rid of Omicron? change it to DPS or something more understandable. Who knows what Omicron stands for anyway in firepower? Other then the greek number of 70.

10: Less icons? like group them together in the GUI




Some idea's for the stargate's and maps



If image doesnt show up http://prnt.sc/e4ikw1 and http://prnt.sc/e4jiwl


The stargate name should be visible on the map (1) if the name is visable on the stargate when you select it (2)



Idea's for trading menu



If image doesnt show up http://prntscr.com/e4jomo and http://prntscr.com/e4jovj


1: Replace the 2 options for 1 option called 'Trade' or 'Shop' or 'Marketplace'. in 3 I explain what should be done 2 the Turrets and Upgrades section.

2: Replace the name 'Turret Merchant' to 'Equipment Dock' or 'Equipment Store'

---- This can be done with multiple stations.

3: As you can see there are now 3 tabs. 'Buying', 'Selling' and 'Buyback'. What if you make here 4 tabs with 'Turrets', 'Upgrades', 'Selling' and 'Buyback'. And make selling in this case for both turrets and upgrades

---- I find it annoying having to stop trading to get to the turrets when I'm in upgrades or vice versa.



Some suggestions for the building menu


If image doesnt show up http://prntscr.com/e4k26v


1: Please make mirroring on multi planes. Like make it possible to mirror both in X & Y or X & Z

---- I miss this feature very much since I almost always make symmetrical ship

2: I would like to see volume in xxx K/cm as to see when you would get the next system slot

---- It would also be great if the the yellow numbers would also give the maximum when you DO have the required amount of engineers and mechanics. This would mean you will see 2 outcomes the actual in yellow and maximumin white

3: I dont get this since in my manage crew I can get this to 130% without the actual amount of required Engineers.

---- So could this be changed to the required amount of 'workforce' ?

4: A button to set 'cockpit' block so your camera displaying from that block instead of the middle of the ship and behind's

---- I know right now you can change the angle from your camera with the 'ALT' button to the left, right, up and down but no forward or backwards



---- As you can see I would like my camera in the centre where the green box is situated but I cant because I have to see the whole big butt ofmy ship...

5: When you press this you get



6 is straight forward but 7 should give you a new gui where you can have the option to scale your ship and what matterials you would like to use

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Not sure exactly, but its probably due to the fact that you have added a link to the site of the hoster and not a direct link to the picture. If you right-click on the picture and select "Open image in new tab" or similar, then you should get a link ending in .jpg or .png in your url bar.


For your last picture the resulting link would be http://image.prntscr.com/image/c8650004300346aabd29dcb22c841b90.png

That would show as follows: 


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