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Shapes, slopes and turret hemishpere convergence (en+de)


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I've seen quite a lot of Star Destroyer style shaped space wedges made by the community, I totally approve, although not of the empire^^


I've been floating around with one as well, although not an as massive one as most do, it's even smaller than a Victory class or Venator, whatever.

I don't even consider it to be a 'Star Destroyer', more like an 'Asteroid Warmer', but yadda yadda...



Well, they are not just purely awesome and iconical from their looks, their hull shape makes them very special, let me elaborate:


Each flat plane has one 'hemisphere' and two of those hemispheres overlap at all times, meaning that  50% of the entire firepower can be applied to one target at dorsal, ventral starboard and port planes.

So basically all turrets can be utilized firing at two targets.

But that's not the big thing.


All hemispheres converge at the front position in a narrow pyramid/rhomboid shaped cone, meaning that 100% of the entire turreted firepower can be applied to one single target within that quite deadly zone.


The downside: The rear hemisphere is completely blocked off and needs extra turrets that only treat the rear hemisphere or special placement at the edges.


The fun is that this can be perfectly applied in this game, turrets angle themselves according to the slope they're placed on.


So you can cover your entire ship in autoturrets, blasting into (almost) every direction, while still having the ability to blast everything dead ahead.




German Edition:




Ich hab nun echt nen Batzen netter Sternzerstörer Modelle Aller Art gesehen, alle von der Community gemacht, alle wunderbar detailliert, ich bin entzückt, jedoch nicht vom Imperium an sich, die sind uncool^^


Ich selber bin nuch auch ne weile in einem recht minimalistischen Modell umhegedümpelt, kleiner als ne Victory oder Venator, wie auch immer.

Ich betrachte die Gurke auch nicht wirklich als 'Stenzertörer', mehr als 'Asteroidenwärmer', bla bla^^


Nun, die sind nicht nur wegen ihrem fetzigen und martialischem Aussehen so abgefahren, die Form der Hülle hat ihre gewissen vorzüge:


Jede flache Rumpfsektion hat eine Hemisphäre in der sich das Feuer aller turrets dieser Fläche entfalten kann und zwei dieser Hemisphären überschneiden sich immer, was heißt das es um den SZ keine sichere Zone ausser hinter dem Kahn. Also 50% der gesamtfirepower kann grundlegend auf ein Ziel gesetzt werden und 100% verteilt auf zwei Ziele.


Das war aber noch gar nicht das Gelbe vom Ei:


Alle Hemisphären konvergieren in einer recht schmalen rhomboiden Zone direkt vor dem Pott, was so viel heißt, das absolut 100% der Geschütztürme auf ein Ziel direkt vor dem SZ gelenkt werden können.



Hinter dem Kahn ist ne Totzone, die entweder extra Turrets, oder eben besondere Platzierung der frontalen vorraussetzt.


Das witzige ist, daß sich dieses konzept hier in Avorion echt gut umsetzen lässt, da alle Türme plaziert auf Keilen deren Oberflächenneigung folgen.


Also man kann das gesamte Schiff mit Geschützen ummanteln die auch in jede richtung feuern können (ausser zurück) undgleichermaßen einem die Möglichkeit geben, alles nach vorne raus zu blasen.




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I was tying to. First, round things are difficult and not very efficient with all those "design elements". Second, it is a pracitcal computer-play thing: Your ship covers up the view on the monitor. In order see most stuff, a triangle wedge shape offers the best combination of view and viewable ship size. As a counter example, an orb would cover a large blop, you would have to aim blindly within this blop´s background.

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Interesting facts, indeed.


I was tying to. First, round things are difficult and not very efficient with all those "design elements". Second, it is a pracitcal computer-play thing: Your ship covers up the view on the monitor. In order see most stuff, a triangle wedge shape offers the best combination of view and viewable ship size. As a counter example, an orb would cover a large blop, you would have to aim blindly within this blop´s background.


I tend to design ships to be played with camera placed on bottom of it, therefore placing turrets on bottom front of the ship, so i dont get my HUD overlapped by my ship, i adjust the camera from time to time when the ship get bigger, in order having only the top of the screen overlapped with the bottom ship's view. So far it does pretty good, altough it can be a bit tricky on dense asteroid fields when suddently changing direction. I have to get myself used to those automatic turret features, as for now i do only rely on bottom to top full "manual targetting" damage cone wich is more than enough to take care of those pirate/alien ships. Thats why my designs could land on a planet too, if ever, they are (almost) flat on bottom... :p


So i can almost go with whatever shape i want, as long as bottom is flat, the only downside, as i stated, is that if the designed ship gets too large or too tall, it can smash things (or get smashed by :p ) without seeing it coming. Here is the picture of my first efficient design doing so:




So yes its a bit triangular in global shape but it is mostly for aesthetics.


Here is a picture of the same ship, but upgraded toward being modular from either side but front. This design remains prototype, as i'm currently designing a way bigger ship that i've no decent picture of it, it is still work in progress and is not related at all with this design (beside sloped armor looking).




Edit: When i designed the first iteration of it (first picture) i had already in mind, that this little rammer ship could become the central command of the ship, like a cockpit.






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I use a variation on this design pretty often. Or I should say, I use the same principles. Usually instead of a perfect wedge though, I use raised gun placements, and decks instead, which works almost as well. The fire coverage is excellent. Though, I've noticed it sucks pretty bad when you're running away ^^

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