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[Mod] Transfer cargo faster.


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I hope the title didn't get your hopes up too much, not really a mod just a crude edit to ease the cargo transfer a bit.


What you have to do to transfer multiple items at a time is: open the file transfercrewgoods.lua (in \data\scripts\entity folder) in Notepad++,  find the line ~415 


invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, false)


and replace it with


for i = 1, 50 do
invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, false)


Then a bit below that in the next function replace 


invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, true)




for i = 1, 50 do
invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, true)


And now you transfer 50 pieces of cargo at a time, or replace the 50 with whatever amount you want to transfer. Don't worry it won't crash or anything if you have less than that amount of cargo, it'll just transfer what you have.


I really tried to make a nifty mod, but alas I couldn't figure out how to add a textbox in the UI, or even a second button. Really hope someone will do that eventually.

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Thanks for looking into this, was about to report it as a bug/suggestion after I found out you can only transfer one per click.


Being able to input increments yourself would be very useful but I guess that would take some extensive modding and could better be implemented through the game itself.


Didn't read well enough but I guess stations also transfer all available if you don't meet the quantity if set to 1000 for example.

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