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Trouble with weapons manufacturer (and the goods needed)


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i have some trouble finding the right material for my turrets. so i fly through the galaxy and search for them in a rather unefficient way. If i find some i buy them and in the long turn all my cargo space is filled with things i dont want to trade but cant use because one good of each turret category is still missing. I tried to bypass this problem by storing the materials needed in an Aluminum Mine i bought. The problem there is, that i only can transfer cargo one by one or do i miss something there?


the most annoying thing is that after the mine once hit her cargo capacity it always states: too far away ( even after enlarging the cargobay). Im docked and can transfer crew and "buy" aluminum but i cant transfer cargo from or to the station. I guess this is a bug and i didnt tried reloading the game after it occured. maybe this fixes it. Did someone else have this kind of problems and where do you store all your goods that you may need in the future?


As its a procedural generated universe i dont expect someone to tell me go to x and buy y there but are there any rules where to find the resources you need for those turrets? And do Factorys produce goods even if you can only deliver one kind of raw goods or do they need both?

And how often do trading posts change their goods? For example: my cargo bay is filled with other things and the trading post is offering some goods i need. can i deliver my cargo first and come back to the system later to find the goods still there or do i have to dump some of my cargo to buy the goods from the trading post instantly. Do these station vary the goods the sell or buy or just the amounts of the goods?


and for last, im playing the german version and im not sure where to find "Leiter" in the english wiki i find conductor which should be the right thing but which facility produces "Leiter" because a "Leiterfabrik" aka Conductorfactory is nowhere to be seen. maybe im looking for the wrong factory type and one of you guys can give me the right german name of the facility i need to look for.


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1. The moving of cargo is still a bit tedious in a vanilla game, there is a fix for this with a mod, which you will find in the modded section. There are currently two versions, one that allows you to input an amount yourself and the other one seems to have an option to transfer all. Both look quite nice: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1895.0.html


2. Haven't run into it myself yet but indeed looks like a bug worth reporting.


3.  I keep a large cargoship near my stations to dump off everything I don't need at the moment but might need later, such as the components for weapons and spare materials for my factories.


4. Gathering all required components for weapons is pretty tedious at the moment, the most efficient way is to make a list of the needed materials, find out if you can obtain them (some cargo types are "illegal/dangerous" in factions eyes so you'd have to handle quick before getting caught) and then make a spreadsheet where you can buy all the materials so you can get them in one run. Or what you did, buy everything the moment you see it but you'll find that some components are harder to get than others.


5. Factories will only produce when they have all the required resources for their production process, and they will only produce when the sector is loaded. There is a mod that emulates the production process while you are in other sectors, this applies to both NPC stations and your own. http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1322.0.html


5. Trading Posts will keep their stock, as long as the sector isn't loaded in the meantime by another player that interacts with the station ofcourse. If the system has a gate then other NPC ships can also visit the station and interact with it, that way they are resupplied.


6. I play the English version so no clue what the right factory is, but I found this list of goods helped me a lot finding the right stations and materials: http://avorion.gamepedia.com/Goods


Hope to have answered your questions :)

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"Leiter" is indeed conductor. Howver, due to the rng generation of each sector, it can indeed happen that you have to travel very long before you encounter a certain good.


I am using a trade module to determine with one view if a given sector has one of the required goods. I select the sectors by looking at the kind of factories it has, or if it has a tradepost. After three games, my experience is that it takes between 2 and 8 hours to get all the mats together.

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