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Blaine's Shipyard


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Have you ever felt the need to transport 35,000+ cargo across 45+ sectors per jump?


Did you want to fly something sleek, simple, and elegant while doing it, instead of a bunch of boxes glued onto a stick with engines?


I did, so I made this superfreighter. I named it "Azimuth." I think it's pretty decent for my first real effort in Avorion, made completely from scratch with no references (except for the symbol; kudos to anyone who recognizes it). Comments and criticism welcome.






The rest in full res:


[spoiler=Side View]a6a94ed071.png






[spoiler=Dorsal View]5e2464a913.png



[spoiler=Rear View]1641559a3e.png



[spoiler=Front View]f7f5f5f75a.png



Stats (haven't built it yet outside of Creative, no crew or upgrades):





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I really love it. It's amazing!


Thanks. To me it looks pretty simple and amateurish, but then I'm the one who built it, so I'm going to be more critical of my own work. Although it looks fairly simple, it took a tremendous amount of time to get every detail just right, for example turning off snap and spending 5-10 minutes very, very carefully aligning certain blocks. Since it's an angular rhomboid shape, any imperfection is very obvious (and there still are a couple).


It also took a bit of optimizing to make it a viable and powerful freighter. I actually didn't want to add nacelles, but you need maneuverability and I didn't want to break the lines of the hull's shape either, so I finally caved and went with nacelles.

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I'd be extremely interested in an xml file for this bad boy. I happen to have that exact need lol.


Sure, I'll attach it to the OP.


Note that is has no battery (energy container) because I don't see the need for one, but I believe there's still a little bit of room left for a very thin, long, wide one inside the hull near the top if you want one. It's tricky to get the camera in there, but if you focus on the big cargo container starting under the glass "bridge" you should be able to find it.


Otherwise, it's stuffed totally full of cargo and systems.


It can even be scaled down a few steps and still works great as a smaller freighter, although once it hits ~6k cargo, the crew requirements are pretty tight and you need trained-up specialists to fit. Any smaller and you might need to add more crew space.

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It's a pretty nice clean design, sometimes less is more. A good first attempt.


I can't do clean, everything for me needs some ribbing here and pointy bits there with a few edges and the kitchen sink. :P


Ah yes, greebles. I try to minimize my use of greebles, though there's nothing wrong with them. If used well, they make ships looks complex and interesting.


Many moons ago, I used to spend days making ships in Galactic Civilizations II and was extremely good at it. It's been a while, though, and Avorion has an excellent and powerful ship editor, but it has some limitations too that I have to learn to work with: no free rotation of parts, parts must snap together (can use a temporary framework, but still it's a challenge), no naturally curved pieces, and not a lot of pre-made greebles.

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... the kitchen sink. :P


heh :DD


I didn´t even know, that there is word for that... greebles lol, sounds fun :D


Greebles are great for really big ships, if you want to emphasize their scale imo - lot of smaller greebles, bigger the ships looks, and this is especially true in avorion (and space in general), where it can be difficult to judge the size of something without comparison with something similar. Greebles help a great deal with that (my ship in signature has superstructure made completely out of greebles, for desired size effect)

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Makes me wonder - those yellow strips on xaonite ship (battleship?) are hand made, or is this visual property of some xanion blocks? I didn´t reach xanion area as of yet, but I saw them few times already...


They're part of the material's texture. IIRC, Avorion and Naonite also have a noticeable texture of their own. Not sure about Ogonite, never liked heavy materials so I didn't work with it.

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What good is a huge freighter without someplace to keep all of your slaves stuff?


Hardly any use at all, so I present my personal space station and home base, "Horizon." Its sole purpose is to store items and crew, so it's not technically a space station in game terms, but don't tell Horizon that. It thinks it's a real space station.






The rest:


[spoiler=Top View]b0676c4397.png


[spoiler=Bottom View]bdaa728568.png


[spoiler=Side View]6fbd0bfd66.png


[spoiler=Distance View]00b8b304bc.png



It's a big, fancy treasure chest for putting stuff in. The buildings are thin-walled and hollow, mainly to save me lots and lots of materials, but they can also be used to stuff additional crew compartments, cargo containers, and systems into. The size 40,000 cargo bay on the bottom of the station is encased in 500,000 HP of Xanion stone, linked together by duct tape an integrity field. If you want to incorporate it into a real space station, you can put docking twigs on the bulkhead pylon at the bottom, which is what the indicator arrows are for (dock here!).


The best part is, you can stick a bunch of Computer Cores and Hyperspace Modules on and move it anywhere! Just make sure you add some temporary engines and scoot it out of the way of the jump-in point....







Here's the ship plan .xml in a .zip file, direct download (it's too big to attach): http://puu.sh/uaR8y/b06253fb21.zip


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It's sad how many mechanics the station requires vs how much crew it can sustain. Sleek designs, though. There is elegance in simplicity.


Those are untrained crew gained from using the "/crew fill" command from Aki's mod, which I only use in my Creative shipyard universe. Otherwise, doing anything is miserable and slow (also, the constant "You must repair your ship before you can edit it" messages are intolerable without crew). It would only take 80 fully leveled mechanics to staff it normally.


Thanks for the compliment. Right now I'm trying to make the best of what I can do in a relatively short (3-6 hours) period of time, which means simple and sleek because there's just not time for elaborate and complex when I'm still so excited to continue playing.

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