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Why is the damage system unneccesarily arbitrary?


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First off I'd like to mention that Avorion is pretty much all I ever wanted from a combat-centric space exploration game. The ability to fully customize and shape ships is quite frankly insane and all the community made items on the workshop reflect that all too well.

However I always wondered why despite having such a wonderful block based game the combat itself feels so arbitrary. In an ideal scenario you would have a certain shield capacity and once that is depleted your entire ship is being exposed, bar the modules that are maybe covered by armored plates. But direct hits to your engines would render you motionless, placed shots on your generator would cut off your ship from electricity, individual hits on turrets would destroy them. And so on and so forth. Destruction of your ship would simply be a result of all meaningful systems being shot into bits.

What we have instead is the core ship HP determined by volume and some other things, and all hits -no matter where they are placed- will simply deplete your ship HP until it reaches 0 and you are destroyed.


This leaved me a bit dumbfounded since what I've described in the first scenario is already in place and achievable, but only once a target is declared as having 0 HP aka being destroyed. Shooting off individual bits off wreckages is perfectly possible, wheres hits on alive targets simply reduce the HP of the root block.



Is there any chance that this could be considered to change for future updates, even if only as a selectable option?


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  • 3 months later...

This is the whole point of the integrity field--keeps chunks of ships from being sheered off. 

Build a ship and convert all of your integrity field generators to blank hull, and start running into asteroids. You'll find real quick that what you're talking about is in fact, a thing.

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