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Implementation of G-Force



Right now the speed at which you turn or stop is almost entirely reliant on thrusters, this has caused several problems which are not worth going into right now.


I am proposing that the power of thrusters is dramatically boosted allowing players to design their ship's the way they want to and a new mechanic is added.


G - Force

When turning or stopping the inertia of a moving object causes there to be a set amount of gravitational force applied to said object. The larger the mass of the object the more gravitational force is applied.


One cannot simply go from traveling at 1000 m/s to a complete stop even in space, the gravitational force generated would rip a living being a part.


Therefore I would like to see implanted a system where your top break thrust, yaw, pitch, and roll are governed according to your mass. The larger the ship the lower the cap.


This means that smaller ships would be a lot more nimble than massive titanic ships which is realistic.


However the player can override this cap by holding Ctrl-or another modifying key-at any time he chooses but at the cost of causing his crew to blackout or even die.






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6 answers to this suggestion

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Interesting thought.


Might be hard to get into game, there is a lot of re-writing needed there and new concepts/code/functionality...


Much of reality is already thrown out the window with building ships in space, warping across sectors instantly, and various other technologies that are currently only science fiction...


However you are right that the current maneuvering system does need to be fixed with a bit more awareness around inertia...  Sudden right-angle turns are so TRON...

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I agree on that: There would be nice to have some ship size dependent soft or hard cap on rotation speed so that big ships can't be as fast-rotating as small ones


I don't think it is really needed to buff thrusters at the same time, though.


Other than that, yeah, i agree. Probably though it should be (instead of mass) dependent on either volume or "longest axis length". Not necessarily implenmented via G-force, physical explanation might be different (on none at all, there is no explicit explanation for strange speed vector redirection when thrusting mechanics, but most people seem to not care that much).


Subjectively, i just dislike the situation when i try just to achieve decent braking and i end up with capital ship rotating like it's 3 meters long. Comes to the situation that i place thrusters close to CoM on purpose, just so that i won't end up with disgustingly (from aesthetical POV) high rotation speed.

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Right now the speed at which you turn or stop is almost entirely reliant on thrusters, this has caused several problems which are not worth going into right now.


I am proposing that the power of thrusters is dramatically boosted allowing players to design their ship's the way they want to and a new mechanic is added.


G - Force

When turning or stopping the inertia of a moving object causes there to be a set amount of gravitational force applied to said object. The larger the mass of the object the more gravitational force is applied.


One cannot simply go from traveling at 1000 m/s to a complete stop even in space, the gravitational force generated would rip a living being a part.


Therefore I would like to see implanted a system where your top break thrust, yaw, pitch, and roll are governed according to your mass. The larger the ship the lower the cap.


This means that smaller ships would be a lot more nimble than massive titanic ships which is realistic.


However the player can override this cap by holding Ctrl-or another modifying key-at any time he chooses but at the cost of causing his crew to blackout or even die.

What? G-Forces are multiples of the gravitational constant to eloquently display how you feel under certain amounts of acceleration(or what effects it may have on materials and strtuctures). Mass only factors in in relation to the amount of thrust you need to generate a certain amount of acceleration.


A small ship will suffer the same as a large ship if it accelerates at a rate of 98m/s (roughly 10Gs) not to mention that there's no way one could walk in there, not to mention G-loc.


This absolutely does not mean that a small ship could be any more nimble than a large one.


Also, this would be absolutely serve no purpose in making the game any more fun, except limiting ships in terms of acceleration, which, in fact, would penalize small ships more than large ones since mobility is the only potentially balancing factor compared to a larger pool of HP a larger ship naturally has.


TL;DR: no.

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Ah yes, i misread you.


Cap on acceleration based on G-forces: certainly no. Also, it makes no sense that it is dependent on mass or size in any way, as stated above. 10G of acceleration is 10G in the ship of any mass.


Rotating with 0.5 rad/s on a 100 m "lever" and 0.5 rad/s on a 1000m lever yields you different linear movement, however, so this is where big ship is not the same as small one.

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i just assume inertial dampers. especially in dealing with space ships.


though i do wish those 500m long twig ships would spin apart rather than just spinning endlessly.


maybe a system where extreme changes in acceleration require a powered 'inertial stabiliser' block to avoid damage, so that both can be solved.

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500+m-long ships shouldn't be a thing, in my opinion. I get the whole idea of having a very small profile for combat,  but for collisions with ships or asteroids, they are crazy-sauce.


I will agree that it could be interesting to apply ship-wide modifiers on max velocity and thrust based on mass to give more incentive to try and build smaller or, at least, more efficiently in terms of mass. This would also help balance large ships vs smaller ones although I feel this would be incredibly difficult to balance.

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