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Hi so i'm now in the 300+ hours gang i thought it time i put a suggestion forward


so me and my friend have started trying to work out stations.

and atm the whole factory/mines thing is a bit odd. ok so i understand we cant make out own ship yards and things of the sort yet (hoping they'll come in with player factions)


first lets go into the mines. how the hell can i pick what t o mine from a Roids logic says to me that if i claim a roid and scan it, it should tell me what it has in it ie:






10%nobel metals

4% gems

scan complete


then after scanning it would be just like it is in game now, giving you the choice to sell or found. if u found the mine it would produce 10 ore 10 nobel metal and 4 gems. or 5 5 2 something like that.



now the factorys...


well if i was a space fairing being who had the money to set up a mine or 4 and a few factorys... well i would make them do more then one thing for example


hmm i need water and solar for this farm.... why not just incorporate them into the farm and even better if you set up to grow crops why not grow them all not just one. maybe assign different numbers of unskilled crew to the different types of farm, ie 3 worker on rice 1 on wheat and 2 on corn


to implement something like this in game maybe have it like a tree system. so you purchase your station founder and take it to set it up in your sector


"found station"

station type




so on


if you set up a simple it starts out just a solar collector (energy cells) you then build it and it gets to a set size (like how module slots open once you ship is a set size) and now it gives you another choice


"add Section to station"

1=water collector

2=farm 1

3=farm 2

4=animal farm

5 =ect


this way you could start a small station early game and keep adding more and more to it and adding more "sections"


there would need to be restrictions and what not and a lot more fleshing out of the idea. but i think i get the basics of it down here





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