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Everything posted by spurgurgle

  1. i see it like this if you only have a few to research your better off doing it in 5's, just to play it safe but if you have lots to research just do it in 3's if you take 5 you can do a set of 3. if i works great you have your upgraded one and still have 2 spare... if it didnt work you get 1 non upgraded one to add to your other 2 to do another group of 3. with the same chance of getting a upgrade or not
  2. the beta version you have to opt in for on steam lirbray- right click on avorion- got to properties- beta's- opt in
  3. the material of the turret only matters for mining and salvage turrets (but you probably already new that) as for armed turrets its all about damage and fire rate i have a iron chaingun the out classes any of the other chainguns i have found, and similarly i have 2 rail guns from a boss that have the exact same stats apart from one is xanion and one is titanium. omicron is easy to calculate just do the damage x fire rate. but the highest omicron isnt always the highest dps one set of rail guns i made have 4k omicron where as another has half that. but the ones with less also cool down a lot quicker so in a proper fight when i actually use them all until they over heat the ones which do half the damage end up firing more then twice as many shots when it comes to rarity generally the rarer ones will be better. but again not always due to RNG i spent a while and made 77 of the same exceptional turret to research well 75 to research and 2 to keep the 75 i turned into 15 exotics and them into 3 legendarys out of those 3 only 1 of them was better (over all dps) then the exceptionals they were made from
  4. my preferred turret is the rail gun it is ideal for a smaller "hit and run" tactic type ship on my first play through i did the final boss with just 90k shields and 13k omicron all in rail guns u line up a enemy and burn towards it and as soon as its in range of all the Rail guns, let rip do a full round until u pass them turn and drift backwards firing until over heat. then line up for another pass whilst the guns are on cool down and repeat the small vessel will be thrown around by its own rail guns so line them up on a axis and in pairs on either side of the ship. but being small it is also a harder target to hit so take a lot less damage then a bigger ship
  5. wow thanks for the xml!!! now can we make it work in the beta??? im going to try to get it flyable at least
  6. amazing. cant wait for the xml to take a closer look at it
  7. Hi so i'm now in the 300+ hours gang i thought it time i put a suggestion forward so me and my friend have started trying to work out stations. and atm the whole factory/mines thing is a bit odd. ok so i understand we cant make out own ship yards and things of the sort yet (hoping they'll come in with player factions) first lets go into the mines. how the hell can i pick what t o mine from a Roids logic says to me that if i claim a roid and scan it, it should tell me what it has in it ie: scanning..... .... 76%stone 10%ore 10%nobel metals 4% gems scan complete then after scanning it would be just like it is in game now, giving you the choice to sell or found. if u found the mine it would produce 10 ore 10 nobel metal and 4 gems. or 5 5 2 something like that. now the factorys... well if i was a space fairing being who had the money to set up a mine or 4 and a few factorys... well i would make them do more then one thing for example hmm i need water and solar for this farm.... why not just incorporate them into the farm and even better if you set up to grow crops why not grow them all not just one. maybe assign different numbers of unskilled crew to the different types of farm, ie 3 worker on rice 1 on wheat and 2 on corn to implement something like this in game maybe have it like a tree system. so you purchase your station founder and take it to set it up in your sector "found station" station type 1=simple 2=advanced 3=technical so on if you set up a simple it starts out just a solar collector (energy cells) you then build it and it gets to a set size (like how module slots open once you ship is a set size) and now it gives you another choice "add Section to station" 1=water collector 2=farm 1 3=farm 2 4=animal farm 5 =ect this way you could start a small station early game and keep adding more and more to it and adding more "sections" there would need to be restrictions and what not and a lot more fleshing out of the idea. but i think i get the basics of it down here
  8. i believe the beacons are more common further out ( as there are less things to spawn in yellow zones further out) just keep checking them and make your way to the outer sectors (as the quest will lead you out that way anyway) you'll find a pair soon enough.
  9. trading made simple... step 1 find a military outpost step 2 see what it wants to buy step 3 find places that sell stuff it wants (even trading posts with there up't pricing) step 4 sell all the things and never need to make money again seriously it is that easy the military outposts seem to pay a lot more then any other place. as a standard practise i will now carry things they want on me when exploring so if i find new factions i can get them up to a decent rep quickly. sell them some Roids until they are yellow poor relations and then go to a military outpost and sell what ever they want and instant admired pretty much
  10. keep checking hidden mass sectors (yellow dots) until you find a pair of matching beacons you can check in the player tab under missions to see the ones you've found so far by i pair i mean something like this #42 x=-76 #42 y=232 once u find a pair that match just follow the cords
  11. i seem to be having the same problem. in older save i had no issues find M.A.D research satellites but this play through (on the latest beta branch) i found 3 within 1 or 2 jumps of each other. but no 4th. so far i have made it round 1/4 of the core at about the right distance checking every yellow blip i see and no luck and i am also noticing the empty yellow sectors as well.
  12. Nope i've had no update as of yet. i defeated the boss on normal with the lil ship above. but i would like to still try calling in the allies. im sure when koonschi finds a fix he'll let us no, but im also sure he is very busy fixing and developing other parts of the game also.In the mean time there is plenty to do in game.
  13. did u put Avorion hyperspace cores on your ship? as far as i can tell they allow you to jump over rifts
  14. Ask yourself !! Look how far the checkpoint are behind the rift, this is the distance you need to add to the last smuggler to find a new one. then add a lil more to be on the safe side of things
  15. travel further out before retaking the quest, as the quest seems to spawn the location a set distance away from where u take. but always towards the core
  16. Changed all the images over to imgur, hopefully everyone can see them now?
  17. please be more specific ie what ships? in the pictures or the download? the download takes u to a shared file on my google drive, you can either copy and paste the whole text doc into a fresh one, or click the download link in the top right. the place the .xml in the ships folder in your save directory i did try to attach the .xml directly to the post but the file size is to large... so workaround
  18. that tug is turning out crazy good.. wish i could of stayed for the 2nd part of the stream but bed was calling
  19. stay in the system for long enough and npc merchants/cargo ships will come sell stuff to the trader
  20. Hi all thought i would start a thread to share my ships in, the first ship we'll be seeing is my main ship that has been to the center and lived to tell the tales about it The SSC-Reaver now this is a very small ship look below for the stats they key to this ships strength is high tech modules and turrets. Currently armed with 7 rail guns for instant destruction of most enemies in a full volley or 2, totaling 13.58k omicron including the salvage laser one of these two of these and 4 of these the final parts of the puzzle that make this small ship so strong are the modules 3x shield boosters and one xsotan artifact and lastly the crew all of which are lvl-3 apart from the lieutenant ok now for a bit of history on the ship. originally it started out as a Trinium ship which was slowly switched out to xanion and then as soon as i could i changed it all to Avorion (this makes a big difference) i did want to make a bigger ship but after i found bigger better guns and places to make more bigger better guns i decided a huge ship with massive running cost and lots of crew and turrets was just not for me. i was hitting higher fire power then people with 20 turrets. the only thing my ship was lacking was shielding. sitting at a pathetic 12k before boosters and before the final upgrades when i fined tuned the Avorion design removing excess crew,generators and computers and replacing them with more shielding. one of the main issues with this ship is the constant need to swap out modules, i would always have one shield module installed just in case. and my 2 most powerful rail guns were the ones that fired when the artifact was removed again just in case. but from sector to sector and job to job i would be swapping out scanners, hyperspace modules, trade and cargo modules. only adding full shields and turrets when i decide to fight. Find attached below 3 .xml files one for the xanion version, one for a Avorion version and the Avorion final build that i took to the core and back Avorion download Xanion download Final Avorion download
  21. what i suggest would be a "docking block" different from docking port this new block would allow for 2 ships to dock together then be flown as one. this would be ideal for having you main big ship and a lil shuttle or fighter docked to it some like this below see how it has the lil shuttle docked to it
  22. well i have beaten him now also, but would still like to call in the allies for a epic battle at some point. im the end i added a lil extra shielding to my ship, took off the wormhole module and replaced it with another shield one, so 3 in total all with the 25% re-gen effect. this is the ship i did it with
  23. ive attchend one of last nights logs and the one from this morning. hope it helps you work out the issue oops looks like i double attached the client logs they were to long to put in the "code" box so attaching seemed like the next best option clientlog_Tue_Feb_07_20-23-50_2017.txt clientlog_Wed_Feb_08_10-51-21_2017.txt clientlog_Wed_Feb_08_10-51-21_2017.txt clientlog_Tue_Feb_07_20-23-50_2017.txt
  24. yeah the boss just carried on channeling energy, then opening wormholes, spawning xsotan. i kill all the xsotan minions then the cycle starts again. spent 2 hours doing this last night before giving up as i'd only got his health down to 75% and it was late. his shield drains when he's channeling but no prompt for me to do anything with the wormhole module. i thought it must have something to do with his channeling, because of the alert text that pops up when he starts. i even tried just flying in the way of the channel beam and wormhole opening beams, flew through the wormholes to no avail as they seem to be only one way. not sure if this a bug with the final boss, as everyone i seen or spoken to who has fought the boss hasn't bothered with the "getting technical" mission i thought i best do it as my lil ship is going to need all the help it can get during the fight hence only getting him down 25% in 2 hours last night. dunno if it'll help but my game version is 0.10.2r7448
  25. ok so tried again. This time with the intent of interacting with the guardian and i get no prompt. As soon as i was in the system i targeted it and didn't take my target off the entire time, when he was channelling i was right up against his hull locked on with the wormhole module installed and no prompt, out of intuition i hit F to interact and still nothing. here's a screeny of me up close and me with the module installed (cant seem to scale images down to fit on the page, if a mod could do for me plz)
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