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[Modding API] Missing events, and better event registry.



First off, there are a few events that i would like to tap into, so i can implement some specific code.


The main thing i want, is the ability to check when a player chats and/or types commands, then return true/false to allow, or disallow the event to continue


Wanted event: Detect when a player chats


Event.register(Events.player.onChat, function(eventData)
local player = eventData.player
local message = eventData.message

if(message=="The phrase i dont want to be displayed in chat") then
	return false

if(message=="/UNWANTEDCOMMAND") then
	return false
--Btw, i know u can just edit the galaxies admin.xml file, but i want to implement a custom permissions engine

return true





If it returns false, then it doesnt process the event any further


Wanted event: Detect when a players data saves/loads, and append custom data to it


Events.register(Events.player.onDataSave, function(player, data)
data.append("Refference name", "The saved bit of data")

Events.register(Events.player.onDataLoad, function(player, data)
local targetdata = data.read("Refference name")
--This would print out "The saved bit of data"


The event engine would be a lot easier to handle if we could register to events directly, and even trigger the events.

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